[img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230703/6a36919105a0d4b7eb98e5380adb1abf.png[/img] Mabel turned to the red haired woman, Ariel, in excitement, [color=ed145b]“You've never had cake? Lady, let me tell you, it's great, it's like a rainbow for your mouth!”[/color] (Not sure Ariel would have seen a rainbow either.) She turns her attention back to the huntsman, pulling herself up into one of the empty seats,[color=ed145b] “Well, my name's Mabel, rhymes with table. . . Anyways, I don't really need a map of the city, so much as a map of where this city is in comparison to the city where I need to be. Gotta get back to my bro-bro before he goes insane. Not sure if he's more worried about me or this stupid book right about. . .”[/color] Her attention was distracted again as another beautiful young woman, this one with white hair, approached. Her thoughts on food, and mead seemed simply expressed, but quite understandable. Mabel looked curiously at the man, he didn't seem to know who he was expecting, so much as just inviting people to join.