[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=aba400]Maxamillian Gray[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/392257844256440322/1120141739236282439/Copy_of_Copy_of_Dark_Blue_and_Gold_Aesthetic_Tarot_Desktop_Wallpaper_.png[/img][hr][b][color=6644ff]Location:[/color][/b] Limbo [b][color=aba400]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [b][color=aba400]Spells:[/color][/b] [url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1100281269411131423/1100530762681425940/Screenshot_20230425_171324_Instagram.jpg?width=679&height=678]Outfit[/url] [hr][hr][/center] Max’s attention snapped towards the sound of a young child. His eyes stayed fixated on the person before him, worried now more than ever that this was a trap. Between the women who’s eyes bled and the now sound of a child, it was like a scene straight out of a horror film. It was only when the child said their name that Max had decided to spare her a glance. She had some similarities to someone he’d met once before, though much much younger than the angsty Asgardian he had met back in another reality. He didn’t know what to think, what to believe, and yet…the bloodied woman seemed to know his name. Max looked at her, paying more attention now through the orange tinted goggles he currently wore as he began to piece things together in his mind. He knew her, and she him, but he couldn’t quite tell why. Finally he recalled her name, with a snap of his finger he looked at her as if coming out of a mental fog. [color=aba400]”Carolina…right? We met back in Wanda’s reality.”[/color] His eyes danced back towards Klara. She was much less hostile than the last time he’d met her, and yet if both of them were here once again…did Wanda relapse? Was this now what she believed to be the just world? It appeared neither of his unlikely companions knew where they were, which left only Max to try and figure it out. There was a young Klara, Carolina, and desolate landscape filled with pain and suffering, and a terrain that seemed to shift with no real means. As if on cue, the glitter bomb went off above Max’s head like a lightbulb coating his hair in pink glitter that intermingled with the stains of red that still lingered from the previous storm. [color=aba400]”I think I can answer the where. We’re in a demon’s dimension called Limbo. I actually know the ruler of this land, her name is Magik, used to be on a team together until…until she was called back.”[/color] This place had a similar scent to what had popped up just before Magik had vanished. The issue was that time and space didn’t work in a straight line, especially not in Limbo. So he didn’t know if this Magik knew him, or perhaps she had once upon a time and has since forgotten all about him centuries later. He decided to keep that information all to himself however. [color=aba400]”It seems my mentor has gone missing. In doing so he sent out his cape and eye to those he deemed worthy and capable of helping place things back in order. His magic brought us here Klara, as to what we should do…’[/color] The landscape began to shift and move all around them. As Max turned to look right, hedges rose to the left, and when he looked left the same was true of the right, until the trio was surrounded by a decaying maze, the mountains replaced by this new landscape and a chariot with a pair of skeletal horses. If Max was a betting man, which he most certainly was, he’d wager that they needed to board the chariot and allow it to lead them through the maze. [color=aba400]”I think this is going to be our best bet. We should take this chariot, let it lead us through this maze and see what lays for us in the center. Maybe it’ll be answers, or perhaps more questions, or even a new landscape…either way, I need to see this through. So what do you say Klara? Carolina? Up for a little adventure in a new dimension?”[/color]