[b]Foxpearl![/b] Vermillion slowly lowers you down into the pool. Well, technically speaking, it's the Sash that does that, slowly unspooling and finally unknotting itself from up above so that it can fall down around you in showy spirals. A bit of a showboat, that divine weapon. But Vermillion barely notices; she's wrapped up in gingerly unknotting that gag, which, you might notice, requires her to put her arms around you, press up against you, and balance herself on one foot. "There we go," she says, as it loosens and falls about your collarbone. "Whoever this armored agitator is, they should have known better than to think they could keep [i]you[/i] down, 'pearl." She does that precious little smile and lowers herself back down onto both feet, even as the Sash wraps around Xingtian. Dragging them out will probably be the real challenge of the night HAHA JUST KIDDING this is when HOUND operatives come crashing in through windows, tactical rifles bouncing against their body armor, looking like a bunch of [i]Americans[/i]. What are guns supposed to do against ghosts, anyway? For that matter, what were guns supposed to do against Xingtian themself? Guns, however, would do terrible things to the soft squishy bits of you (if you didn't come up with some cool idea like turning back into fire) and Vermillion (if she didn't have the Sash covering her in time) and The Amazing Ghostygirl (real name pending) and the Puppy over at Terochichimomo (and where's [i]she[/i] been, anyway?). And Flower Mountain members (assuming they didn't know the secret of iron skin, or how to deflect bullets off things in the environment, or the secret of flowing like water). And civilians (who don't have any of the above advantages). In fact, they'd mostly really be useful against the very people they're claiming to protect. "GET DOWN," one of them yells, shining an underslung flashlight right in your faces. "STEP AWAY FROM THE CRIMINAL," yells another. "EMPRESS UNDERSTUDY AND TAMAMO ONE IDENTIFIED ON SITE," a third yells into a radio, "REQUESTING PROTOCOL." (They aren't the tower's security service. They're a recently empowered task force designed to "protect the city in the absence of Empress," and they're a throwback to a style of policing that hasn't been seen in the Republic since before you were born - not that that's hard - and [i]most[/i] people haven't missed at all. Again, they're very self-consciously [i]American.[/i]) [hr] [b]Rain![/b] Rewind. Your eye's dragged out to the canals below. Technically far below, but the megatowers of SGC have a way of making distance seem smaller than it is. Some residents of the tower have been evacuated at ground level, and the canals are full of boats coming and going. Mostly going. Like any city worth the name, there are first responders, but most of them are coming from higher up or along the same bridges that also helped the immediate evacuation from this floor. But there's a boat peeling off, heading out towards the Sunrise Dockside rather than towards Victory Tower, where a lot of the boats are ferrying evacuated residents of Providence. (Even if Providence collapsed, which isn't going to happen now that Xingtian's been stopped, Victory would be outside of the splash zone. At this angle, it's probably Fortitude that would get the worst of it, and while it'd cause an incredible amount of damage, Fortitude would still be standing at the end. SGC architecture and civic planning is some of the most advanced in the world, after all.) But there's a boat that definitely left the Providence moorings and is headed out that way. Not a major commercial boat, they'd go around instead of ending up in the canal system. That's likely where Branch's ward is headed, and... And that's when you hear the smashed glass and the yelling from down below. Say hello to the Mayor's worst idea: bringing back an archaic policing force in order to keep Law and Order in the face of the ghost crisis. Social media's raking him over the coals, and the flame wars between people who are scared of the ghosts and gang warfare and the people who are more scared of HOUND are ending up as huge reblog threads, the kind that used to push the OP off the page back in the days of the old UI. Your own parents were quick to reassure you that it's because of all the chaos in the Big Peach and the Mayor will get them to stand down once the mess is sorted out and just don't give them any reason to get aggressive and you'll get through it fine, but what are your own thoughts on the matter, Rain? [hr] [b]Shifu![/b] A little boy buries his face in your floof, little hands tugging on your fur. Vermillion helped with the evacuation to Tranquility, but she asked you to help keep calm. And what’s better for helping humans remain calm than… well, what you are right now. What [i]are[/i] you right now? In the sky above, one of the mortal sky chariots aims its lantern lower, hovering just level with the bridge between towers. The sound of whistling ropes and breaking glass suggests that it’s doing something that’s not helpful. Might even be bad! “I hope they catch that villain,” the boy’s father mutters, folding his arms. “Who would do something so selfish while Empress is gone? Lock them up, at least until she gets back— and don’t bother to let her know immediately, either.” “But what about the Princess and her friends? They were here to help, too—“ “But can they actually stop a wrongdoer like that? They got us to safety, but it takes more than that to bring someone like that to justice!” [Shift your Savior up and your Danger down!]