[i] [color=662d91] [h1] [center] Jeremy Kürten [/center][/h1][/color][/i] [color=662d91][b] [h1] [center] NCR Ranger Camp Foxtrot [/center][/h1][/b][/color] Jeremy was glad to have helped the NCR rangers fight off the Legion remnants. After that commotion, he was prepared to move on toward Camp Mccarran. But before he could do that he would need to repair his robotic companions. The damage on his robots was minimal but they would still need some repair. After fixing his robot companions he heard the announcement from one of the rangers about joining their cause. Although he didn’t want to get involved in any politics he knew that the Legion would be quite a nuisance if left unchecked. He would need to let his contact see that he would have to reschedule their meeting. Using his pip boy to send a message to change the date of their meeting. The ghoul’s robots were moving closer so they were standing beside him. By the way one of the other rangers spoke to him, it didn’t seem the pay would be good but overall it was a good cause. The Legion has been quite a nuisance for many years and personally, he wouldn’t mind them going the way of the dodo.