I'll get straight to the point. This isn't referring to the way the site works or how threads are made or anything like that, but rather, how group roleplays are actually run. Now currently we use GMs and Co-GMs to run various stories, and while that can work great if the individuals involved have the ability, time, and motivation to see a story through to its end, in reality most RPs that use this format (which overly relies on one person or a small group of people that usually aren't the players to create and further the main plot) either never begin because a GM cannot or will not put up an intro post for whatever reason; or create the actual RP thread. Or die shortly after they begin because motivation fell through or life got in the way, etc. In my mind, if the primary means of running roleplays is this fickle--again since it relies on a single figure or a small group of them to carry on--then why are we still using it? Now you might be wondering what my hypothetical solution may be. Well, that's simple. Every player involved acts as a GM, and the RP is treated like a co-authored narrative rather than someone else's stage that you just happen to be playing on. So all involved not only decide where the story should go, along with how it should begin, climax, and end ideally because flying by the seat of your pants without any kind of plan or outline is a great way to kill a tale, but can also move the plot along even if a few of their fellow players or the person who started the whole thing drop out. Granted, there are flaws in this idea and I could've put it more eloquently, but on the whole I genuinely don't think having a single point of failure like we do now with the normal GM system helps RP longevity. In fact, I think it's quite the opposite. As for making an outline, some could call that railroading. But the fact of the matter is, you are railroaded in every RP you enter to some degree, with the only time that isn't the case being ones that are pure sandbox. And, barring a few successful ones like the tavern roleplays over in Free (although this is also debatable with how posting has dried up), most of those die due to a lack of direction and goal as players write aimlessly to try and come up with some kind of compelling narrative or plot thread. Finally, I know writing an RP isn't exactly like writing or co-authoring a book. But maybe if it were just the tiniest bit closer (if not in format, then at least in regards to a player's general attitude and approach) we'd have less dead and dying ones on our hands.