[hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/7UxgEHd.png[/img][/center] [right][b][code]World Fighting Carnival - Reception Room Bar.[/code][/b][/right] [hr][hr] [@Punished GN] Jill felt her face grow warm again as Auri very blatantly looked her up and down. Things seemed to go awkwardly silent. Literally, since someone finally cut the music. [color=LightSeaGreen][i]Focus, Jill! She’s just sizing you up for the fight![/i][/color] But it turned out that wasn’t going to happen, for unexpected reasons. [quote]"Are you familiar with the genius known as Gérard Delacroix?"[/quote] [color=LightSeaGreen]”Boy am I!”[/color] The young Rider felt herself getting more fired up by the second. [color=LightSeaGreen]”I’d say I’m his biggest fan! Couldn’t tell ya how happy I was when he showed up to give a lecture back when I was in college. The stuff he had to say about compact systems, autonomous decision-making, sustainable power cores, it all rocked my world somethin’ fierce! I tell ya, it’s not often you see an engineer so good at mechanics and software all at once, what I’d give to be half as good at either! Wouldn’t have finished Pit Stop without learnin’ the stuff he had to say…”[/color] Jill continued to go on her extremely nerdy tangent, revved up and lost in admiration. She fancied herself a lot smarter than she looked, and as far as she was concerned, Delacroix made her go back to looking like a fool in comparison. It was some time before she found her way again, perhaps a bit too long for those who didn’t share her passion. [color=LightSeaGreen]”But it really sucks we lost him so soon, gotta wonder what else a guy like that coulda come up with…”[/color] She paused, finally slowing back down. [color=LightSeaGreen]”Ah, sorry! Guess my mind went on a bit of a detour… Say, why’d ya wanna know? If you don’t mind me askin’, anyways.”[/color]