[quote=@LuckyBlackCat] Sophia Danvers, Pokemon Spiral [color=orchid] [b]Which of your skills do you take the most pride in?[/b][/color] [/quote] Kaspaan Mustaven, 2nd Year Student of Harold's Academy for the Magically Inclined(Cyromancer) [color=lime]"I really like the ice gift my aoenheart gives me. Sometimes I pick up speed in the halls around here skating around janitor puddles with my bare feet all iced up, even during the day if I'm felling brave. Flying might not be my best trait but you won't catch me on my feet! Anyway sometimes people tell me I come off too frosty or feisty, I can never decide! It's cuz I find it hard to care about the right things sometimes with being dragged off away here.. It's hard to stay motivated." "When is it '[i]worth it[/i]' to you?"[/color]