Kat smiled as she wandered among the booths, taking in the wares and exhibits behind a pair of sunglasses. She almost wished she'd brought her camera, but she'd need release forms if she was ever going to sell the pictures. Still, she wore her photographer's vest over a pale blouse and a pair of jeans, it was nice to have [i]something[/i] with working pockets. There was a splash as someone behind her went into the dunk tank, but she didn't see much when she glanced back. Kids were screaming, people talking loud, and generally everyone around her was having a fun time. [i]Soak it in now, Kat,[/i] she thought grimly, [i]If the feds find you, this may be the last moment of freedom you'll have to cherish in your cell.[/i] Still, if nothing else, she was going to get to know this town a little better before this night was through.