[color=#BCBFA3]Lio smiled slightly at Alrick’s mention of looking out for Fred Flintstone. While he was trying to take the whole temporal anomaly seriously, it was seeming more and more like that it was possibly a quantum hiccup, temporal energy just spewing out into real time a little bit. That or Booster Gold was hopping between eras again. As Alrick and is apparent cousin headed for the basement, Lio tried scanning again with his pseudo-ring, looking for any latent tachyons. However, at this point most of the energy was gone, flowing back into the quantum realm. In all likelihood this event had been small, perhaps a single person or smaller. It gave credence to Lio’s thought that it was a cosmic hiccup. The only thing that still bugged him was its proximity to Titans Tower. But then again the universe was made up of coincidences. But Lio was snapped out of his musings by Starfire stating that Robin might be looking into said temporal event. Only for Robin to appear, grabbing the Grazer fellow and bringing him to the elevator. Lio felt a little shafted, but he then figured that Robin had planned his meeting with Grazer a long time in advance. All Lio had done was show up at the Titans front door and asking if they knew anything about the temporal event. Sighing, before turning to Starfire, Lio said, [color=#26FF60]“Actually, I will grab a snack. Cyborg had shown me last week where Beast Boy keeps his stash.”[/color] Walking to the pantry, Lio pushed away several bottles of sauce, cans of beans, and various other preserves, until he pulled out what he was looking for. The young scientist left the pantry with a big bag of extra spicy Takis, one of his favorite junk foods. Unlike Beast Boy, Lio wouldn’t gorge on them, instead pouring them into a bowl before taking a seat at the counter. After munching on several handfuls of the spicy snack, Lio’s Titans communicator went off. It was a request for backup, one that ended in static. While Lio didn’t recognize the voice, he assumed it was another Titan. It reminded him that he was the new guy, feeling less bad about Starfire not remembering him, as he didn’t remember this Titans. Placing his bowl of Takis on the counter, Lio went over the coordinates again in his mind. His pseudo-ring being connected to his mind, Lio accessed the Towers Wi-Fi, searching up the coordinates and pulling up all relevant maps. Lio then turned back to Starfire, only to see that she had left the immediate kitchen area. Before he could call out to his fellow Titan, the Tower’s speaker system came on, Robin announcing a team gathering in the main meeting room. While Lio was still learning every room of the Tower, he did at least know where the meeting room was. It wasn’t too long ago that he had been sitting in there with Robin and Green Lantern, planning out how exactly he would operate as a probationary member. So Lio retraced his steps, taking the elevator up several floors. As the doors to the elevator opened, revealing the sprawling meeting room, Lio immediately addressed Robin. [color=#26FF60]“What’s the situation boss?”[/color] [/color] [hr] [hr] [color=#E6300B]Dick was suspicious of the story of the girl being Alrick’s cousin from Seattle, has he had been taught never to take things at face value. But Alrick was a Titan, and as such he trusted him. Dick then acknowledged Starfire’s request to meet with him after talking to Grazer. And speaking of Grazer, Dick could tell that he was a direct kind of person as soon as he spoke about wanting the interview right away. While most people would jump at the chance to explore the legendary Titans Tower, Grazer was straight to business. It reminded Dick of another serious hero he knew, one who wore a cape and cowl. [color=#1F1D1E]“If you’ll follow me then,”[/color] said Dick, [color=#1F1D1E]“We’re going to our main meeting room.”[/color] Dick then led the gun clad hero away from the kitchen and to the elevator. From there they traveled up three floors, the elevator doors opening to reveal a large room with a circular table and several monitors on the wall. Dick motioned for Grazer to take a seat at the nearest chair, before walking around to the other side, positioning himself directly across from Grazer. Dick would then hit a few keys on a keyboard, causing the wall mounted screens to turn on. Images of Grazer appeared on each screen, ranging from blurry shots of him in alleyways, to standing over beaten up criminals. Dick led the images rotate for a few seconds, revealing more and more footage of Grazer. [color=#1F1D1E]“As you can see, we’ve had our eyes on you,”[/color] stated Dick, [color=#1F1D1E]“However, I can assure you that this wasn’t malicious. We were just interested in getting to know you. Whenever a new hero pops up in Jump City, it immediately triggers my interest. As such I’ve paid attention to your career. Your crime fighting prowess is impressive, and as such I think you’re ready for the big leagues. That is to say, would you be interested in joining the Titans?”[/color] Dick let his words remain in the air for a while, giving Grazer a chance to digest the offer. Truthfully, Dick was unsure if Grazer even wanted to join the Titans. From the research he had done, Dick found Grazer to be a bit of a loner, perhaps unsuitable for teamwork. Yet Dick saw potential in him and felt he had no other option but to offer him a spot on the team. However, before an answer could be said, Dick’s communicator went off, the familiar voice of Ghost coming through. Apparently he had discovered something and required back-up, only for his communicator to go off-line. This immediately triggered Dick, who had to subdue his urge to rush out of the room and to the rescue. But he remembered that Grazer was still with him. But in Dick’s mind this presented a great opportunity to see how Grazer worked with a team, if he truly was Titans material. [color=#1F1D1E]“I suppose you heard all of that,”[/color] said Dick, [color=#1F1D1E]“And I do need to respond to it. But I’m wondering if you would come along? Sort of an unofficial first Titans mission, a means for me to evaluate you. So, you coming?”[/color] While Dick waited for a response, he pulled up the coordinates Ghost had provided on his computer. With a location in mind, Dick turned on the Tower’s speaker system. [color=#1F1D1E]“All Titans, report to the main meeting room. We have a situation going on involving Ghost,”[/color] boomed Dick’s voice over the speaker system. [/color]