For the record, Alrick did [i]not[/i] think Soleil tagging along was a good idea. The opportunity for further time shenanigans was way too high. What if she went out there, got hurt, and that lead to catastrophic consequences for the furture? She needed to get back into her own time period ASAP! But then again, he hardly had time to argue his point with the others around. If he went and blabbed about time travel crap now, it would only serve to distract from Ghost being in danger. [i]Could he actually be in danger if he was immortal?[/i] Alrick pushed that thought aside. [i]Just because he can die and come back an apparently infinite number of times doesn't mean he should have to,[/i] he reminded himself. [color=f6989d]"Right, on it,"[/color] Alrick said as he headed back towards the elevator. Finding the meeting room wasn't an issue. Alrick had most of the tower memorized by now. He found himself a chair and sat, trying his best to pay attention while also silently worrying about timeline nonsense.