[img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjk2LjFjNjMzZC5TRzl5YVhwdmJpQlNhV1JsY2cuNA/pirulen.rg-regular.webp[/img] [b][code]Reception Room[/code][/b] [hr][hr] Already countless contestants were intermingling with each other, before the tournament proper had started. Some chatted amicably to pass the time, others were up and in each others' faces, looking like they were about to start the fight a little early. Given the small stray attacks flying about, a few actually [i]were[/i] getting things started early. A few contestants soaked in the attention of the crowds of bystanders, striking poses and giving the reporters and hype-men a buffet of their own egos. Only a small sliver had the reserve to keep to themselves until the actual fighting began. One such was Horizon Rider. Even in an entire room full of martial artists and obnoxiously-colored individuals, Horizon Rider stood out due to his strange appearance, but moreover, due to his strange mannerisms. Whereas everyone else was loudly declaring their presence and hogging a nonexistent spotlight, Horizon Rider just stood there, absolutely motionless. At most, his cold reptilian eyes behind his glass helmet glanced about at all the fighters, sizing up the competition. A few reporters tried shoving their microphones in his face and asking them about themselves, [i]any[/i] information, only for them to completely ignore them, pretending as if they didn't exist. SYM-24 had no patience for anything other than his prime objective: Claim the power stone and crush anyone who dared stand in his way. Above him, up in the rafters, a robotic raven eyed them, like a hawk, watching their every action. [hr] [b][code]Arena Stands[/code][/b] [hr][hr] The main event hadn't even properly started, and already the arena was absolutely packed, people having traveled from all across the world to watch the greatest fighters alive lay the absolute smackdown into each other. The Carnival received only more attention abroad, being broadcast on every sports channel so that everyone back home could get a front row seat to the impending carnage. In the stands sat two disguised figures, a man and a woman. The man was much taller and wider, and was busy gorging himself on two drumsticks big enough to beat someone unconscious with. Strapped to his back was an absolutely massive violin case that blocked the view of the poor spectator behind him, who was nevertheless too terrified of the man to protest. Next to him sat a woman, much smaller and hunched over. Both wore black coats and sunglasses that significantly concealed any personal details. The woman clutched the side of her glasses, observing the direct feed observed of their company's contestant, Horizon Rider. "Howzit Goin'?" The man asked, his mouth full of meat. "They're fine so far..." The woman relayed, "But definitely a bit boring. Probably would've been beneficial to hire some agents to answer all the questions people have on them and throw the reporters off. We might've made enough cash to [i]buy[/i] the Power Stone if we just prepared some merchandise for this guy... How much longer 'till the tournament starts?" "Not too long, should be less than an hour," the man replied. And so they waited.