Haaselle [@Hammerman][@AzureKnight][@Silverstein] [hr] It was an odd thing. They were so easily accepting of her and her story. Not that it was a lie, but if it had been her she'd have questioned every aspect of it. What trusting little lambs, hm? Cute, too weren't they? Huhuhu, perhaps she could play with them? Maybe one of them would want to dance amidst a rainy sky on a silvery white night? Oh, Roze stopped talking so it was probably time to introduce herself, hm? It was a few somewhat awkward seconds before she actually managed to do it, though. [color=aba000]"Yes yes, hellos! Haaselle, at your service."[/color] A rather dramatic and overly energetic bow. [color=aba000]"Don't worry yourselves over me. Tours are boring and Roze seems like the type that she'd be fun to hang around~"[/color] Instead of her hand though, Renee would get one of her tentacles, lightly coiling around the fey's wrist. "[color=aba000]I've not worked with anyone before so I'll try not to get in anyone's way too much."[/color] Not that she didn't want to help, but at the same time she wasn't lying. Getting along well with other people was hard for her. Her extra limb retracted beneath her cloak again, her messy black hair obscuring her right eye as she offered Launus and Renee a grin. A brief introduction, but it should be suitable. Haaselle, for the entire trip couldn't keep herself entirely quiet - humming a slow, swaying tune to herself as she walked just behind the others. There was no meaning to it, other than just keeping herself entertained and when they finally reached the waterways she did quiet herself. [color=aba000]"Not the worst place I've been..."[/color] Haaselle commented quietly as Roze led them into the waterways. No, that was reserved for the tiny cell she had been confined to-She frowned, a small bit of pain forming in her temple as she shook her head. [color=aba000]"In fact this place has a nice little charm to it, huhu~"[/color] She fell silent as Roze apparently found something belonging to one of the kids. It was a small and muted feeling that blossomed. Anger. Just a bit, but it was there. Not like her normal agitation or short temper with others. Things proceeded to fall apart quickly after that. Animals. Vile. Abhorrent. She used to like animals, but now they were just annoyances and sources of cacophonous noises. These creatures in particular made her tentacles squirm. [color=aba000]"Can't say I've ever seen them before myself, but I don't get out much."[/color] Despite the seriousness of the situation, there was not a hint of urgency or fear in her voice faced with the sudden appearance of the arachnids. Two, barreling for her. She might have been scared, if she was capable of feeling that in any meaningful capacity any more. Haaselle simply made a flicking motion with her middle finger and her thumb towards one of the spiders as it leaped towards her. The creature immediately screeched as it was suddenly flung backwards, slamming into a wall as its entire upper half was crushed. [color=aba000]"Awfully squishy and weak, aren't they...?"[/color] A quiet giggle as she swiftly sidestep a spider that lunged at her. One of her tentacles lashed out, its normal black color now reflecting a the dim light as it impaled the creature from behind before tossing its carcass in the water as she spun on her heels to face the horde once more.