[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/lion-king-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230703/01d3e225fa5a5470c720c4c0ee8c7b21.png[/img][/url][/center] A bulky human responded that the rest of the people here were also guided by a similar instinct. He glanced at the others, very skinny and small humans. He was encouraged to take a seat, which cause Kovu to stare for a bit before sitting down. Couldn't say he understood, was this necessary? Was there something wrong with the ground? The lion being stared down at it for a moment... it didn't look like it was anything bad to sit on. He just pegged it at a human thing. Just before he turned his gaze away, a pair of arms popped waving talking to the group. The man who he assumed was like the pride leader of the group spoke to him as well. This tiny person gave off a very strong foresty smell that was different from the other scents. That woman with the towering red mane eventually brought some very curious looking... kills? The bug at least looked like something he had seen before even though it was enormous. A foul-smelling bug... that Meerkat and Warthog back from the Prideland would probably love this. The meat looked like it was just a smaller portion of a kill the color wasn't red like he was used to. The burger thing was something he had never seen. He lowers his head level with it and examined it closer... was that meat between... something? There seemed to be some kind of leave in there too. Kovu examined it from all different angles. But his confusion didn't seem to lessen... Also apparently honey-colored drink was Mead. There was a slight sweetness in the wafting off it when he gave it a whiff. After a moment no one else seemed to be venturing in and eating. With a bit of uncertainty, Kovu went for the safest bet, the slab was oddly-colored meat. He picked it up with his clawed hands, sniff it before he brought it to his mouth, and ripped off a chuck... it tasted a bit strange and tougher than he was used to. It was no freshly killed gazelle, but not bad enough to refuse to eat. He continued to tear pieces off with his fangs as he scanned the area. He noticed a burly human with a rolled-up scroll, the little symbol on it looked like the weird-shaped stone formation that stood higher in the mountainous area. Kovu didn't think much more about it than that. Suddenly the human with the long flowing red mane began strumming a melodious tone and singing a song. Kovu was at a loss at why she would suddenly do that... Though it wasn't too uncommon to spontaneously break into song, he just resumed eating the food presented to him.