[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=#663399]Annika Falling Star[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/72a11c854d8e3068f12194007d42ecd7/tumblr_pof946JgQS1v3phb7o1_400.gifv [/img][hr][b][color=#663399]Location:[/color][/b] Limbo [b][color=#663399]Skills:[/color][/b] [b][color=#663399]Spells:[/color][/b] [hr][hr][/center] Jack explained who Stephen was well. The words ‘Supreme Sorcerer’ were strange to her ears, but her soul seemed comfortable with the term. The idea of other worlds sent Annika’s mind spinning for a moment until a frightening new topic was brought up. Jack was from the year 2026, and Madalyne was from a year even further off. Annika opened her mouth to speak, feeling quite shocked. [color=#663399]”I came from the year 1812,”[/color] she said, her voice sounding distant. Annika was distracted as they walked, the strange depth changes not really bothering her due to her preoccupied mind; until she heard an ear-piercing scream. As one, the group looked up at the tower, straining to see the window and where the scream's source came from. Quickly, Jack ascended with the help of the cape. He was soon followed by Madalyne, who used her wings. This left Annika alone on the ground. She shifted uneasily, looking around at the eerie world as her surroundings seemed to shift in and out of focus. It was as if this land was alive, breathing as she did. Annika shuttered and looked up once more. [color=#663399]”Well, cloak, can you get us up there?”[/color] Annika could quickly transform into a bird, but she had a feeling the cloak and amulet would remain with her, which would make flying difficult. The cloak wavered, seemingly unsure, just as Annika was. It lifted her off the ground and raised her a bit before stuttering. It dropped a bit, rose a bit, and took her this way and that until it stopped halfway between the ground and the platform she needed. Annika looked down, then up. She wasn’t afraid of falling persay, but she didn’t want to fall. Not when she was already injured. [color=#663399]”We can do this, cloak. No turning back now,”[/color] she said, feeling more determined to try. With vigour, the cloak transported Annika up to the top. She landed next to Madalyne and sighed as the cloak fluttered into relaxation around her. [color=#663399]”Niá:wen,”[/color] she thanked the cloak. She took in the scene around her, and her eyes widened. The primary scene before her was not unfamiliar. There was a battle happening here with the masses against the weaker. Annika’s hands tightened into fists as she took in the battle with a calculated eye. She did not know this enemy, but Jack seemed to. [color=#663399]”What are their weaknesses, warrior!”[/color] She called out to Jack, moving away from Madalyne to create a triangle pattern that they could use to surround the enemy with Jack at the point.