[h3]Leon Hyksos[/h3] [@Hammerman] [@Rune_Alchemist][@AzureKnight] [color=00aeef]"I'm Leon, A pleasure."[/color] the hooded fae nodded and introduce himself in the dullest way possible to the group. You can almost skim past his presence from the way he interjects himself in the conversation. Leon formed a dry crooked smile at them. He wasn't annoyed by them or anything, He was just baffled by how passionate and comfortable Lanus and Renee are with each other's skin. Quite the opposite of our secretive and lethargic knife-eared fae. He then turns his attention to the newly added members of the team. The tower veteran Mrs. Roze and a stray recruit, who seems to be gliding on her feet. A tentacle girl who has been trailing her like a lost puppy. Leon can read the emotion of the somber witch with his amplified esper powers. A telepathic gift that he didn't have before encountering that cursed book. He can feel her burden like she is obligated to take care of her. The feeling of guilt that happens in her past. The psionic rogue didn't pry on for it too long as Roze seems uncomfortable talking about it let alone someone reading her private thoughts. As for the new recruit, named Haassele. He can tell she's an esper. Her emotions and thoughts are somewhat distorted and lack clarity, quite uncommon for someone whose magic revolves around mastering one's mind. Underneath this calmness and innocent face, there's some storm brewing in her. Quite the opposite of our meticulous fae, who doesn't like to take risks unless it's necessary and keeps his emotions at arm's length. Either way, Leon is done sizing up the people he is working with. This should suffice. Analyzing people with telepathy can be tiresome and borderline creepy if you really think about it. On to the mission! ~ Into the mouth of the underground waterworks And it reeks! its repugnant stench is enough to make anybody hurl in disgust. And this is just the entrance of it. How can anyone be enticed by this smell, especially the children? Luckily for Leon lower part of his face is covered with bandages to filter out the smell. As they delve into the maze-like tunnels known as the city's underground waste dump. The trail grows moist and hotter. Signs of struggle and infestation became clearer. The air is damp and feasible that someone or something inhabits this place. With one glance at the torn-out jacket Roze is holding, Leon foresaw the past within a vision. A glimpse of a kid running for his life and being dragged out by a creature into their nest. The jacket he left was the last gasp of hope if somehow someway he would be found and miraculously rescued. His train of thought was cut off as his danger sense abruptly kicks in. The feeling of imminent threat was registered in his mind, an unavoidable encounter that they have to fight their way through. The others pointed out it as well as the pale spiders began to appear and flank them on all sides. Spiders from the fae forest that shouldn't even be here. These white arachnids saw them as intruders or their next meal or both. Leon changes his stance, swiftly drawing his daggers on both hands. Two spiders began to bare their fangs and started charging at him. Unflinching from where he stood, The psionic fae didn't even bother to dodge nor move and foresaw the outcome of this brawl with his clairvoyance: Their future was forfeited at this moment. That's how confident he is in feeding off the Grimiore's power. Their movements were predictable almost too easy to read for Leon as they began to pounce on him. Their frontal assault was met by a flying dagger hurled right between their red eyes, stopping them in their tracks, and obscuring their vision. making them screech in pain from where they stand. The knife-throwing doesn't stop there as Leon began to conjure his twin psychic blades as his coup de grace for the two wounded beasts. In one swoop, He throws them both like a boomerang in the air causing them to collide and pierce both of the spider's heads in succession, puncturing their brains from the side, and making them plop on their backs like a sack of potatoes. The poor arachnids started twitching their eight legs ever so helplessly as their life was soon coming to an end. The twin daggers return to Leon's hand as both of his opponents were unresponsive and disposed of. [color=00aeef]"They're weak yes, but is it just me, or their attacks are well coordinated? not you're usual dumb creature I would say."[/color] Leon leaps backward and disengages in combat, rejoining the others in fending off these out-of-place albino forest spiders.