[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230517/d4c6af64c01f1bfef402cd06bef6ed15.png[/img] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/925965405250523239/1108376582021722142/2.png?width=312&height=358[/img] [@Cello][@samreaper][@twave][@Zarkun][/center] Akemi didn't hear Ky at first trying to wave her down or call out to her, seemingly zoning out while she stared at the paper. Yep, she was completely off in her own little world there right now, not that it was out of place for her. Not many people understood how her mind worked, but those who knew how it did... knew it wasn't anything particularly profound going on inside her head. It was probably her looking over a few mental images of a fighting technique she was wanting to practice or might look to learn, or she was thinking about flowers and gardening work. Not a lot else tended to be what caused her to zone out unless she was simply tired and sleepy. A few loud slurps later, she finally looked up when she noticed the commotion, making her way over shortly thereafter and nodding to the young mage and her guild master. [color=DDDCE1]"Ok."[/color] Upon his request to see the job and seeing him try to peer over the top, the girl would, in turn, look to hand him the job flier, her gaze now slowly but surely moving to the two newcomers, firstly D'angelo as his theatrics made him hard not to spot immediately. [color=DDDCE1]"I don't particularly mind if you all want to join...I was looking for someone to join me. [i]Yawn[/i]. Wouldn't want...hmmmm...Zen to get worried by going by myself." [/color] Taking a moment to stretch her arms up high above her head, she blearily rubbed her eyes as she spoke. Of course, there also remained the chance that Jenna would flat-out reject allowing Akemi to go off by herself on a job, not that the girl ever once considered this a possibility, as even a simple sounding one such as this. After all, if there was anything a guild mage would learn about a job...nothing was ever as simple or easy as it might seem at first glance, and if it was, well something would go wrong to ensue it wasn't. [color=DDDCE1]"Hmmm...right....I don't know you....Akemi...and you are?"[/color] Still rubbing her eyes, her gaze finally began to move from D'angelo after she introduced herself and onto the currently morphed newer member of the group, Ariel. For a moment, she just....stared at her blankly. Before looking down at her drink, back to Ariel, to Ky, back to Ariel, to Jenna, back to Ariel, to D'angelo, before finally back to Ariel. No doubt what happened next came as little surprise, but she just absently grabbed at the tail and if successful began to play with it. [color=DDDCE1]"...This feels too real..for me to still be dreaming...weird...but soft?"[/color]