[@xXSINXx]Welcome! Oh it's a niche, but I just watched Lords of Dogtown again so I need that rambunctious itch scratched. Feel free to toss a sheet up if you want it's more for me to work off of. [@Crimson Flame] I like Connor, they seem like an excellent addition to the camp as a novice so you'll get to test out what styles and gear you like! Skateboarding is surprisingly fashion based lol so go wild. And if you didn't know surfers started the sport fun fact! I'm writing up a introduction to the small town of Oarbreak, which is the small sandbar series of barrier islands and bay. Perhaps a tropical storm just blew in and wrecked the place and now we start the story with a clean up crew. It would close the beach down and cause the surfers and tourist to find out about this new skateboarding thing. [img]https://t4.ftcdn.net/jpg/04/60/80/85/360_F_460808556_A8l8M2wv6NwGN9M5jbSTZquqTPED1MnO.jpg[/img]