[color=00a651][center][h3]Agar [/h3][/center] [center][h3]// Scouting and new faces >>> The Stalking Stalker Stalked the Stalker as it Stalked //[/h3][/center][/color] Agar thought about the options given to him for a moment and picked one that he thought would benefit his survival the best in the long run knowing he could probably get the others later. Agar chose [u][b][Blunt Damage Resistance][/b][/u] figuring that it would most likely give him the best chances for survival especially with his current crazy idea. Watching the cat snake thing slowly advance on its prey he too watched and mimicked some of its movements. He took careful consideration as to what branches and plants it skipped over as he looked to improve his own abilities while watching the worm. Slowly he balanced the sick in his right hand using his left arm to help him maintain his balance but held in a way that he could grip his stick with both hands for a powerful blow. Every step was carful, slow, and calculated. Eyes glimpsing down to find the best foot holds while also maintaining a visual on the two creatures. He wanted to get within striking distance even if he had to take a few steps first, but more importantly he wanted to see how this Tatzelwurm hunted and attacked its prey. If he was lucky he was sure that he would be able to take both of these beasts back with him. His heart seemed like it was pounding in his chest but he knew it was just the ever-encroaching feeling of adrenaline. Even with this he pushed away his brute orcish instincts to wait and learn what he could from this predator of the forest so that he may learn and possibly not fall victim to it as well. With this in mind Agar activated his skill [u][b][Field Scan I][/b][/u], it didn’t make any sound before so if it did make them aware of his presence he would know for the next time. At the very least he knew that there was possibly more than a few other reincarnated here with him that he could try to talk to later about there experiences. [hr] [@Zeroth] << [u]Current Quest:[/u] Find Something to Eat and Bring it Back Whole. [u]Hunt Selected:[/u] Random [u]Inventory:[/u] Slime membrane, loincloth, stick, sharp rock [u]Location:[/u] Into the forest <<