[center][h3][color=aqua]Bardulf[/color][/h3] [img]https://i.imgur.com/LqjmDBo.png[/img] [color=aqua] [b]Time:[/b] [color=cornflowerblue]Morning[/color] [b]Location:[/b] [color=cornflowerblue]Southwest of Roshmi City[/color] [b]Interaction:[/b] [color=cornflowerblue]Brigitte [@Tae], Mister Luum [@FunnyGuy], Rue [@Potter], Bowyn [@Helo], and Zeva [@Pink Khione][/color] [hider=Equipment]220 amas, Heirloom Halberd, cloak, set of leather armor/clothes[/hider] [/color] [/center] [hr] [center] [color=cornflowerblue] The journey proved to be a quickly paced one, which Bardulf had no issue with really. Fast and subtle movements were his forte and he would likely be sticking to the edge of the treeline should anyone appear outside of their group again, not wanting to repeat his earlier mistake. He appreciated that there was one more in their group even if she did somewhat cause Bardulf's inner beast to re-surface. But she had no way of knowing that, it wouldn't be fair to hold a grudge against her for it and she proved herself capable of rectifying the mistake easily enough. He appreciated her kind disposition, but her more outgoing nature did certainly startle Bardulf on occasion. As they approached the city, Bardulf stood and stared for awhile as he took in the scenery. He had to remind himself to keep walking as he observed the tall buildings, the properly cut and developed paths, the over abundance of people. There was so much activity in this one square of the world he could hardly believe it. The most people he had seen at once was maybe 1,000. This city dwarfed that number handedly. Bardulf took note of the statue that Mister Luum pointed out, however, as he recalled hearing about this King Zanithel. If his quest was to be fulfilled, this would be the one he would have to kill, maim, or usurp in some way shape or form. Well, him and his pack of course. Mister Luum presented an interesting offer, albeit terrifying considering the implications of having to go into such a denseley populated area. Bardulf did want to acquire some supplies for hunting, but to do it among so many people. His anxiety began to bubble ever so slightly, but also his sense of reason warned him against the dangers of being spotted in such a densely populated city. [color=aqua]"Uhm...Would it be safe for me to be around here? If there's this many people wouldn't they.....recognize me?"[/color] He walked up to Mister Luum and said in a faint whisper while making sure his cloak hid his face exceedingly well. [color=aqua]"I wouldn't mind some....hunting supplies but...I can always wait for a smaller town."[/color] He continued to stammer on as he waited to see what the others would say. [/color] [/center] [hider=TL;DR]Bardulf journeyes to Roshmi with everyone, and is immediately frightened by the scope of such a large city, having been around small villages all his life. He asks Mister Luum and the group if it would be wise for him to travel in the city with so many people, yet does mention he would like some hunting supplies.[/hider]