Our characters were just normal humans riding the new [i][b][color=mediumpurple]Cosmic Dragon Dash[/color][/b][/i] roller coaster at Six Flags in Los Angeles on a warm Summer day. But there was a mechanical malfunction and they all tumbled to the ground, suffering fatal injuries. Soon they found themselves floating as ghosts in the Emergency Room, realizing they had all died within a few minutes of each other. They watched helplessly as their families mourned their passing, but before they could fully understand their situation, a portal opened up and pulled them in like a vacuum, flinging them though a tunnel of rainbow lights to a distant fantasy world. Upon arrival, they gained new bodies reminiscent of their old selves, but altered slightly to exhibit physical characteristics of D&D-type races, such as elves, dwarves, gnomes, orcs, etc. Stranger still, the magic of this new land granted them capabilities far beyond anything they had experienced on Earth. Was it some form of afterlife, or were they actually reborn on a new planet? The search for answers would take them far and wide on a quest of epic proportions... This RP is partially inspired by both Critical Role and the impending release of Baldur's Gate III, but the fantasy world will be one of my own creation. We will use some aspects of the D&D tabletop game, but what we take will be heavily modified to work for play-by-post roleplays here in the forums. Whenever the main thread is up, I'll include a link to a dice roller, but for simplicity's sake, we'll each just roll a single d20 at the start of each [i][b][color=khaki]Combat Scenario[/color][/b][/i] to gauge an overall success rate of each character in the battle and then write out the scenes accordingly. To keep it simple and roles defined, I'll make a list a character archetypes that people can then claim. We'll still monitor progression from [i][b][color=khaki]Level 1[/color][/b][/i] to [i][b][color=khaki]Level 20[/color][/b][/i], with [i][b][color=khaki]Level-Ups[/color][/b][/i] happening at major story points spread out over the course of the adventure. We won't use health points or numbered stats, however, relying instead on that d20 at the beginning of each Combat Scenario to determine how the characters perform in the battle and how injured they are during/after it. The Levels will primarily exist to determine how many [i][b][color=khaki]Abilities, Spells, & Proficiencies[/color][/b][/i] your character has. For instance, if you roll a 1, you should write your character's scene accordingly, having them mess up, get their ass handed to them, and maybe break a few bones or suffer grievous wounds. You will then roll a second d20 at the end of the encounter and if that one is a 1 as well, your character succumbs to their injuries, falls unconscious, and will suffer [i][b][color=khaki]True Death[/color][/b][/i] if not healed quickly. Or if you roll a 20, your character is a total badass in that Combat Scenario. More info on that later if there is enough interest. I was going to list character archetypes here, but I decided to instead wait and see what types of characters people want to play and then work with that. If you're new to D&D, here's one of the Critical Role animated openings to give you an idea of the types of characters that exist: [center][youtube]https://youtu.be/CeB6ZQn4tUU[/youtube][/center]