Elena strolled down the route toward the humble town of Sandgem. The trip had been rather lackluster so far, but ever the optimist, she had remained eager to truly begin her Pokemon journey. Waddling beside her was a small, sentient bag of trash. Occasionally the trubbish veered off towards the thick underbrush around the dirt road but by simply nudging him back on track the young girl kept the Pokemon on track. So far she had not encountered a single Pokemon to catch, not without a lack of trying. A few flying times flew high above and she had noticed scuttling deeper in the woods, but the route to Sandgem had been empty. Perhaps it was fate that she wouldn't find her first Pokemon yet, or perhaps the stench of her companion was too much for them. Elena had personally become adjusted to the smell but she knew others could hardly stand it. As they stepped into the small town, the first thing she noticed was the significant amount of people about. The streets were shockingly busy for the small town. The source was a fair set up close to town. Small rides whurred and filled the air with screams of delight. Stands served delectable treats and carnival criers shouted promotions to games. Elena looked on in delight before looking down at her partner. The guttersnipe she called Oscar probably never had a chance to enjoy such festivities. He seemed to look on unfazed as if this was no different from the road, The crowd parted as they walked about, confirming Elena's suspicions about the smell. She was not going to complain, as it made her a clear pathway. Her first stop was to grab some carnival food: funnel cake and lemonade, which Oscar seemed to devour with fervor. She didn't try the games, she never could win them and she had nowhere to store any prizes. Finally, she found the talent show already halfway in progress. On stage was a drag queen who was giving it their all! Unknowingly she had caused a group of hecklers to move on as Oscar joined her. "I suppose I shouldn't scare off the whole crowd. Sorry buddy I'll let you out in a bit" she finally said, feeling the eyes glowering at her in the crowd. Reluctantly she returned her Pokemon to his Pokeball, before cheering for the performer on stage.