[center][h1][color=fff200]Chapter 1[/color][/h1] [h2][color=9e0b0f][i]Reflections of Darkness[/i][/color][/h2] [hr] [h2]Rorenville[/h2][/center] In the northwestern reaches of the central Hyrule region, past the minor clusters of villages and camps, and beyond a small forest lay a humble village known as Rorenville. It was far out of the way, and was a lumbering village that saw much use during the reign of the earliest kings of Hyrule. Everywhere one looked around this settlement, one would see the shadows of prosperity long past, be that it the abandoned lumbermill, the many barely used log storage facilities, or that their stables were completely empty with no sign of usage beyond the odd traveler's horse. The peoples here fared no better to reflect the somber state of this village, no one dared step outdoors without a compelling reason, and others who chose not to fear the air of death that had recently taken hold of this place they called home, would be looking over their shoulders every so often. There were no soldiers, no militia, as if this place was abandoned to its fate, and by the way the lord that owned this small fief had acted, that seemed to have been the case. It was a village that brought very little value, and so its people were often forgotten. Perhaps some of the newcomers present, did not know of this place. [i]"A Hylian Knight...? Truly, are we not forsaken? Though there are fewer than I had expected..."[/i], an old man had come out to meet the group of barely a hand's count. Consisting of a Goron, Sheikah, and Hylander, led by the young lady knight standing in front. [color=fff79a]"My apologies. My name is Lady Afira, and I am sure this is a group you were not expecting, but know this... This party is bound to an oath to protect Hyrule and its peoples as much as the Hylian Knights are, for they are the Valorbrands, led by myself"[/color], she assured the man that they would demonstrate the due diligence, yet still the sentiment was fairly meaningless in the old man's eyes. He did not see trained soldiers, but a small picking of mercenaries, led by a single Hylian Knight, and a young lady at that, who appeared to not have seen more than a handful of skirmishes. Whatever name they went under, it was meaningless to him in the face of reality. [i]"Very well... I suppose it is better than having to... Abandon this place. It is a sad village compared to some others, but for many here it is home, and abandoning it would only be done in a dire circumstance... I am the village elder, Relan"[/i], he gave a defeated sigh, knowing this may just be the best he has. [color=fff79a]"I... I see. We have gotten reports of recent murders here, might you tell us more about what you know?"[/color], the young lady knight inquired. [i]"Mmm... Recent you say...? No they've been happening on and off for some time now, almost regularly each month. Our lord then deigned not to share this news with the Knights for months then it seems... We had sent word to him, in hopes of getting help, but it seems only our direct message to the Knights really did reach them"[/i], and even then, not even the Knights sent a proper party here. The old man shook his head, then turned around to the village. There were some villagers standing outside their homes to observe the happenings, while others might peek from their windows. There were the odd few who were still going about business, such as the ones cutting wood to sell in another town. [i]"The most recent occurrence happened near the old lumbermill... The poor sod, barely recognizable when we found him... His name was Eidan, and his family is... In the house over there"[/i], he pointed at a small house, no one outside, but there was smoke in their chimney... Just over in the corner of the village. [i]"The one who found his body is a young lady who lives in the house right next to mine... She is my daughter, Relia, and this event has been quite harrowing for her. Though we have had deaths before this one, none were so abhorrent as this. At least the other bodies were not desecrated so..."[/i], there was a sadness in his voice, and for very understandable reasons. [color=fff79a]"Thank you for sharing, it must not have been easy to share, elder Relan"[/color], she gave him a solemn bow, before turning back to business. [color=fff79a]"Do we have the freedom to question and investigate the village?"[/color], she inquired. [i]"Of course... We want to be rid of whatever this nightmare may be, please... As backwater as this village is, it is still home for us"[/i], with his blessing, the group was now left to their own devices. Afira turned to the group, [color=fff79a]"I will go and investigate the lumbermill. Might I request one of you to accompany me? The others, I ask that you learn what you can from the daughter and the family?"[/color] [hr][@rawkhawk64][@ChozoHunter][@Jerkchicken] [h3]Objectives[/h3] >Investigate the Lumbermill >Question Eidan's family >Question Relia, the witness [hr]