Out on the waves keeping his balance as the water brushed under the board and the large waves sailed him up to the sky Conner smiled with a look of pure delight on his face. He was glad he moved out of his parents house. Now he can do these early morning surf sessions without having to hear about it from his parents. They never approved of anything he did. They wanted him to go to college, and Conner wasn’t interested in doing more school. He spent the entire morning surfing while he was waiting for the skate park to open. It was his day off from the surf shop, and while he loved surfing to bits, but he wouldn’t mind learning to skateboard on dry land. It couldn’t be that much different from riding the waves right? After spending a good amount of time surfing, Conner paddled his way back to shore and stepped on to the beach. He dried off, put his tank top back on, packed up his stuff, and made his way to the park.