Zephyr meandered through the bustling fairgrounds, his heart light with contentment. It had been nearly a year since he had left behind the confines of his old life and found solace in the enchanting embrace of Elysium. The city had gradually woven its intricate tapestry into the very fabric of his being, and he now moved through its vibrant streets with a familiarity that belied his newcomer status. As he strolled amidst the jovial crowds, the savory scent of delicacies wafted through the air, casting an irresistible spell upon his senses. The tantalizing aroma seeped into his nostrils, evoking a symphony of flavors that danced upon his tongue. A soft smile curled at the corners of his lips, a testament to the joy that enveloped him. In that moment, the euphoria of the fairgrounds painted his face with the glow of genuine happiness, a radiant expression of the bliss he had discovered in this newfound haven. His gaze fixated upon a savory masterpiece that hung tantalizingly from a stick, its name shrouded in mystery. The sight of it beckoned him with its alluring appearance and the aromatic tendrils that caressed his senses. As he approached the vendor, his inability to articulate his desires through speech weighed heavily upon him. The absence of his tongue, a relic from his childhood in the enigmatic Shadewood Clan, had transformed his communication into a delicate dance of gestures and half-formed sounds. In this vast city, where words held sway, he felt the weight of isolation pressing upon him. Memories of his clan stirred within him, a chorus of shared understanding born from their intricate gestures, the resonance of their souls, and the ethereal chants that echoed through the verdant forests. As he ambled through the vibrant fair, savoring the meat on the stick, his eyes wandered over the kaleidoscope of faces. The city's racial diversity struck him profoundly, for in the Shadewood Clan, his kin were solely Drows and their loyal animal companions. Azure, his black and blue frog perched atop his head, stood as a testament to that insular world. His gaze caught on a booth adorned with arcane trinkets, and as he continued, a chance encounter unfolded. An elven girl, her silvery hair akin to his own, accidentally collided with him. Her voice was apologetic, but he remained silent, communicating solely through his hands—a reassuring gesture and a nod of acceptance. [right][@WhiteAngel25][/right]