After finishing her seconds, it was off to the briefing room as quickly as possible. Sandra was really pretty, but this was a bad time to be thinking about that. Instead, Hoshiko focused on what she was saying. They would be working with her homeland, to take back Saitama and make way to protect the innocent people of Japan and reclaim their lands from the Warped! Naturally, the girl was ready for this. No matter who it was, she was always read to help out. And taking back more of her homeland felt plenty meaningful even without considering how many people she'd help in the process. "You've got it, Morrison-san!" declared Hoshiko enthusiastically, flashing the thumbs up towards the owner of the Horizon as she did. So she'd be going with Jennifer and Rose, huh? That was fine by her! Even though she flashed a wide grin towards her teammates, the girl could feel her heartbeat quickening, pounding in her chest. She didn't want to let it show, but she was feeling pretty nervous. But she was going to help retake Saitama today, and that meant there was no way she was going to let nerves get in the way! Afterwards, she stopped by the engineering bay and retrieved her device from the engineers. It was through this little necklace that she could equip her Chi-Mechframe, and fight back against the Warped. Well, that and the Echidna currently merged with her heart, in a state of permanent dormancy. She was going to use this to fight for others. Hoshiko made her way to the hanger. As she reached the door, the brunette gripped her necklace in one hand. "Alright, let's do this!" she declared, nodding to herself with a confident smile on her face, "Hinotori, ignite!" The necklace glowed brightly, like a star on her chest, flashing once before light washed over her whole body. After a few moments, the light began to build, gathering over her as it began to form distinct shapes. With a flash, layer by layer, each piece of her Chi-Mechframe began to appear. First there was the base layer, manifesting over her body, including her small skirt. Then came the first layer of armor, starting a few centimeters from her body but sliding into place, locking over her and forming the most basic portion of Hinotori. The third flash heralded the arrival of the more complex parts of her armor, creating Hinotori's silhouette. The building light disappeared entirely with the formation of the boosts on Hoshiko's gauntlets, the final piece of her Chi-Mechframe. When the lights faded away, the shining armor that was Hinotori gleamed on her body, a shine of its own seeming to emanate from the anti-Warped weapon. It was time. "Hinotori, launching!" With that, Hoshiko sprang from the Horizon, and into the open air, the wind whipping past her as she began to hurtle downwards. Naturally, her rocket boosters would be used to control her descent. [@PKMNB0Y][@King Cosmos][@SaltSight][@Raineh Daze]