[center][img]https://seeklogo.com/images/S/superboy-logo-674C42C56A-seeklogo.com.png[/img][/center] More people started to arrive, including his first cousin once removed Kara! Then Batman took them all to the security room where there were people watching the CCTV looking for danger. Jon was just excited to be here. [color=bb3385]“Don’t worry Batman! You can count on me!”[/color] He gave the caped crusader a salute, then leaned over and whispered to Wonder Girl. [color=bb3385]“Although, we may have to keep an eye on some of the Junior Squad too eh?”[/color] He giggled. Supergirl then thought of ways they could do their job. [color=bb3385]“My bro and I can fly too. All three of us can monitor the whole building! No one’s is going to try anything with thre kryptonians watching the place!”[/color]