[quote=@LuckyBlackCat][color=4DA6FF][b]Have you ever felt you didn't fit in somewhere?[/b][/color][/quote] Xiuyáng Solari, Facemimic [color=steelblue]Heh. That's a funny question to ask a merchant with a face like mine. I can fit in anywhere. Well, I can [i]go[/i] anywhere at least. Truth is, there's one crowd I don't fit in with. The girls? They don't like me. I mean, generally speaking. There's a few that I get along with. One's even a major business rival of mine. She's... special. I call her my 'favorite archenemy,' heh. Most of them hate me though. I'm close to one of the most popular guys at the school. He's a bit of a dumbass and a shameless flirt, but we're just friends. We're not... 'involved.' That's just a rumor. The other girls though, they just don't get it. How I got so close to him despite being an asthmatic, flat-chested tomboy who never shows her skin off to anyone. They're all vain, that's the problem with 'em. Funny how the girl who wears both a figurative and literal mask 25 hours a day comes across as more genuine. I rest my case. [quote=@Crimson Flame][color=93E9BE][b]Where do you feel like you fit in?[/b][/color][/quote] [color=steelblue]...Ah... now there's a poignant question. Where does the one who can go anywhere, actually belong? That's... I'm not sure I have a good answer to that. Maybe there isn't one. Truthfully, I've kind of embraced it. I love traveling for work, and I'd love to continue doing so. I guess you could say the Ensollian Sea is where I belong, but that's kind of a cop-out. The sailors like me 'cause I'm way more approachable than proper 'ladies,' but that's just a novelty to them. They prefer a girl who can fill their hands, if you catch my drift. As for me, I'm a third daughter, but I still come from a wealthy family. Father will murder me if I settle for less than an equal with sharp instincts for business. It's a pipe dream, though. I'll never be married. ...Why? Well... ...No. I've said enough.[/color] [b]What's the one thing you want, but can't have—and how do you cope with it?[/b][/color]