((Henlo, I'm back!...finally. :'3 But yes, here's a new IC for you all! I just noticed that all of the RPs/ICs currently don't interest me that much, so I decided to make one! :D This one's a bit darker than my usual. It's a post-apocalyptic, dark fantasy that draws upon fairy tales and maybe [i]some[/i] Tolkien, but, I don't know about that yet. The fairy tale inspiration is a definite element in this, though. Right now, I'm looking for at least 4-5 RPers/characters, though I'm okay with more of them if that [i]does[/i] actually happen.)) [h1]Setting/Plot Summary:[/h1] [list] [*] As I said before, the world in which the story takes place in is post apocalyptic, which means that, at least several centuries ago, everything went to shit- [*]The sky is always a dark gray(and no one has seen the sun in centuries), the five kingdoms that still exist are ruled by incompetent monarchs who are manipulated and controlled by five evil knights, who are the true rulers of those kingdoms, monsters roam the places between kingdoms and less developed civilizations, with some more intelligent/adaptable monsters either directly raiding farms or integrating into society through shapeshifting but still keeping their hunger for non-monsters, food is hard to grow because of said monsters and dark gray sky, meaning that not everyone gets enough food to at least survive…you get the gist already, don’t you? [*]But yeah, everything’s terrible, and it’s hard for most people to have hope that things will get better, especially since every time when something good starts to happen, it gets stomped out- [*] And the world they live in notices this, too, so much so that, right before the start of the RP, a spiritual manifestation of her consciousness appears in your characters' dreams, has a conversation with them about their want to change the world for the better, and their strongest virtue(Humor, Courage, Trust, Hope, anything like that). Right before she left, she asked them if they were up to the task of defeating the five evil knights(who used to be good people, but then something happened to them that turned them corrupt; she doesn't exactly remember [i]what,[/i] though), and either try to uncorrupt, imprison, or kill them and find some other people to rule/govern the citizens of the five kingdoms. Their top virtues are important not just because they'll keep them going if they accept this quest, but also because they'll help them reignite hope in the kingdoms' people, and make them [i]want[/i] a better tomorrow again, instead of just living in despair and hopelessness. [*] The world is then about to say something again based on your character's response, but then your characters suddenly wake up(it's up to you guys where your characters all are in the beginning) when they hear screaming coming from outside. [*] When you go outside(due to curiosity or otherwise), you see a monster of some sort(which is different for each character, if you guys decide to initially be separated from each other), and its terrorizing everyone it can get its paws/claws/hands/whatever on. It seems like a normal monster attack at first, but then it sees you, and you realize: [*] It's not an ordinary monster who wants to attack anyone it gets its hands on. [i]It's primary target is YOU.[/i] [/list] ((And that's all I have so far! If you have any ideas in fleshing all of that out, just tell me here/in the OOC/in DMs, and I'll see what you're talking about and figure out whether your ideas are appropriate for the RP! :D)) [h1]The CS[/h1] Quote: Name: Age: Gender(or lack thereof): Appearance: Personality: Most Prominent Virtue: Skills/Abilities: Weaknesses: Goals(besides saving the world): Fears: What did you think about the dream/the world's manifestation of herself? Did you think you were dreaming?: Why do you want to save the world? Money, Fame, Just General Good Will?: Backstory(Optional): Other/Fun Facts: [h1]More Information[/h1] If you haven't figured it out yet, yes, this world is [i]mostly[/i] in an equivalent to medieval times, thanks to the apocalypse and all the bad shit that's stopping anyone and everyone from innovating/making new technology. It doesn't help that the five kingdoms are now the opposite of what they were before the apocalypse(The Kingdom of Fire is now one of Ice and is occupying a frigid tundra instead of a (mostly) dry desert with loads of massive volcanoes, The Kingdom in The Forest is now basically ruins with little people living there, surrounded by dead and decaying plants and cursed, decaying and almost skeletal animals, etc., etc.), but, since it's been centuries for when they've been that way, the common people don't really remember how the world was before everything went to shit(the knights do, but they're not gonna restore any of that), and have been adapting and changing over time to suit the new hostile environments. Still doesn't mean they [i]like[/i] them, though, which [i]definitely[/i] shows in how they love talking about and/or reading the fairy tales and legends that were inspired by old memories of the world pre-apocalypse.