Home is the Regiment - A Battletech Tale My experience and knowledge of the greater Battletech setting is, in a word, nascent. I've tiptoed around the setting for some time now, engaging in other hobby focuses such as D&D and Warhammer. Over time, my interest in BattleTech grew and I began to stick my nose into things. I've dabbled in playing Alpha Strike and Classic Battletech [though for the latter I've only just nosed into the Game of Armored Combat ruleset]. This lead to me wanting to take a bite into the setting a little deeper, and I've been reading the original Grey Death Legion trilogy (More correctly, listening to the excellent audio book versions of them). My enthusiasm is incredible, but my specific knowledge is limited. I am by no means someone who knows the economics of BattleTech, how much a C-bill is worth, what reasonable mercenary rates are, etc., and only possess a basic comprehension of the greater timeline itself. However, what I have grasped from my audio book dabbling and my tabletop experiences is thus; 'Mechs are cool as hell, and the story possibilities in this setting are incredible. What I'm interested in myself is, as my chosen working title may have hinted at, mercenary life. Biased as I may be from my readings, I really enjoyed the vibe of the Grey Death Legion's early days as scrappy, starving, looking for any job at all, up-and-comers. As such, I have a few fledgling ideas forming in my mind if anyone wishes to join me in learning, experiencing, and putting their own mark onto the Inner Sphere in the Renaissance Period of the Succession Wars as we approach the years of the Clan Invasion. As a Game Master, my 'resume' so to speak is heavily steeped in Fantasy and Classical themes. Science Fiction, even as loose as BattleTech, is very new for me. My only experience in writing for the setting was when I tried to join a past BattleTech roleplay here on the Guild which did not make it far after launch due to the GM's personal circumstances changing. I am extremely enthusiastic, and having people to bite into the lore and setting with, especially with the goal of building our own story, will only stoke the coals that my tabletop wargaming has ignited. There is scarce detailing ready for this at the present, as I wished to know if there was interest before I began to really form hard concepts. Additionally, I enjoy building the story with my players so as to foster investment and commitment; your characters, inputs, backgrounds, and OOC chatter will all be helping me discover BattleTech in a more enriching manner as well as guiding my decisions as a storyteller. Since it has been stuck in my head for some time now, I will paste the words to Home is the Regiment below to keep it fresh in the mind as people decide if they are interested in a timeline-crossing mercenary tale. [i]Home is the Regiment, across the sea of stars On worlds hot, on worlds cold, where Warriors tread afar. Though place of birth and family, though loved ones all be lost, Home is the Regiment, across the sea of stars Home is the Regiment, though warriors travel far. They cannot take our home from us, our home is where we are! With brothers under arms we share a bond that draws us where Home is the Regiment, across the sea of stars. Home is the Regiment, the price of glory high. We stand with brothers at our sides to pay that price, and die! The blood of comrades cries to us long after glory's past: "Home is the Regiment, across the sea of stars." Home is the Regiment, in honor's proud refrain - blood brothers forged together as drawn steel quenched in flame! They stand by us in blood and fire and share with us the cry: "Home is the Regiment, our family and our own!"[/i]