[CENTER][h1][color=tan][b]H A V E N B A R N E S[/b][/color][/h1][/CENTER] [hr] [indent] Haven was too busy stewing to even deign a look towards the further disruptions left in the wake. The way it sounded, as loud and raucous enough to get through the earplugs that, [i]thank the mother[/i]. still remained in her ears, a girl was unintentionally pulling a disappearing act. The muscles in her back were aching. Not just from the assault, but from the day alone. A long car ride to the airport, the cramped flight, and now her unbreakable will to keep her wings to herself until she was alone. She couldn't feel the gap in her feathers, but she [i]knew[/i] it was there. The tension in the air was palpable. [b]"HOLD!"[/b] Rowell's unexpected command almost startled Haven. All was silent, except for those shoes Haven could only assume cost more than the security guards' ensembles. What surprised her, though, was that he dismissed the guards. She knew little of this Alcatraz Island, but she knew that it was a refurbished prison. She'd expected the director to send the attendees off, and not his employees. [b]"You, take him to the door."[/b] [i]Him[/i] being the thief. Despite her anger towards him, Haven didn't wish further punishment to be had. She was aware of the term [i]solitary confinement[/i]. The home had something like that, although it was dubbed the "reflection room" there. It was something she didn't wish upon anyone. Not unless they'd done something truly horrible. That look... it was instinct for him to take from her. He needed help instead of isolation. Haven thought about this as the director continued with a new speech. His words cut through the tension. They shed new light on the thief's actions. [i]Frederick Jackson.[/i] The thief had a name now. [b]"Likewise... you slapped him."[/b] Haven saw him coming her way from the edge of her vision. She turned her eyes towards him as he addressed her. [b]"When I said taking matters into your own hands would not be tolerated."[/b] Haven felt the muscles in her back tighten. She lowered her arms to her sides, the fear that she would get her own separate conversation creeping into them. Yet he never promised it. Would she have reacted differently if she knew the man behind the fear? [i]No.[/i] She was still too stubborn to accept it. After all, she was reacting instinctively too. So must have the vanishing girl. [b]"This is why... [u]AFTER YOU LEAVE THIS ROOM[/u]."[/b] Haven winced, the earplugs doing nothing to keep his voice from echoing within her head. They left a ringing in her ears as she chose to look back at the wall. She didn't want to see the aftermath of earlier anyways, and she certainly didn't want any of the other attendees to see the look in her eyes. [i]An eye for an eye will only leave the whole world blind.[/i] The feather would grow back in, anyways. [b]"Now... I will continue this conversation with young Frederick Jackson. He will re-join you later in one of our Rec Rooms, where this guard here will now lead you. Please ensure young Natsumi is well before leaving."[/b] [i]Good luck, Frederick.[/i] [CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/yEhCLDq.gif[/img][/CENTER] [/indent]