[centre][h1][colour=Green]Cass[/colour][/h1][/centre] Cass physically cringed in her seat as Commander Kaas threatened her and her brother with push ups. It was a stupid mistake, one which the pair of them shouldn’t have been making. They knew procedure, they knew protocol. They had been living and breathing it for almost over twelve years, the threat of physical punishment didn't exactly scare her as the orphanage had never shied away from it when she and Jack were growing up. But embarrassing themselves in front of their new teammates when they were already being judged for being inexperienced? Now that terrified her. [Colour=green]"Apologies Commander, it won't happen again."[/colour] she put on a brave face but the smallness in her tone was obvious to all who were listening. Despite the several feet of distance and armour plate between them she could practically hear Jack chuckle at her embarrassment. But he had always been better at putting on a brave face, Cass wore her heart on her sleeve but her brother… Well he didn't. Switching to their joint comm quickly she gave Jack a quick lecture. [Colour=green]"Stop laughing Jack, we're not exactly making a good impression on these guys with stupid mistakes like that."[/colour] [centre][h1][colour=red]Jack[/colour][/h1][/centre] [Colour=red]"How did you… never mind, Cass you gotta relax a bit. I don't even think any of us have actually spoken to each other yet, at least not more than a; Hi how are you? My name's Jack, what's yours?"[/colour] He sighed gently at his sister's worry. [Colour=red]"Just Breathe Cass. It's what comes next that counts, not a callsign. Besides you remember what Sister Agnes was like with the Cane, push ups are nothing."[/colour] That earned him a brief chuckle from his sister. But before he could continue Commander Kaas beginning his briefing cut their conversation short. The mission seemed simple enough for the most part, storm the beach, destroy the bunker and garrison and await further orders. The data flashing across Jack's screens along with the targeting information kindly provided by the HomeGuard painted a bleak picture for the defenders; exposed positions, open trenches, old Mechs and crumbling infrastructure. The actual bunker housing the gun seemed the only thing which had been cared for but even then [i]"cared for"[/i] seemed a bit of a stretch. From the pictures, if it wasn't for the few feet of dirt atop it then the roof might collapse from a stiff breeze. Bad weather, zero visibility, an enemy that can't target anything beyond visually thanks to poor maintenance. If Jack played his cards right this could be easy. Could… that part was important to remember, this wasn't training and it wasn't just his life on the line, a quick glance to his left reminded him of just that. Jack steeled himself and reached above his head to the comm panel and dialled in Rimau's frequency. [Colour=red]"Ramshackle, this is Cardinal One, sorry you're stuck babysitting. We'll try not to disappoint."[/colour] Water flooded the compartment and the rest of the Brigade made their way out. As their turn came the twins stepped forward in sync. [Colour=green]"No please, age before beauty, old man."[/colour] Jack rolled his eyes and he knew his sister was giggling to herself in her seat. The weather outside was even worse than it looked through the windows. Were it not for the Cardinal's extensive sensor suites he and Cass could have been wandering off into the unknown. The IFF signal was strong which was good and kept them on Blackhounds path until they hit the sand. The group split, with Jack and Cass heading in a southerly direction, always checking to make sure Rimau was keeping up with them. It was an instruments only trip which made it more perilous and the thought of physically bumping into an enemy Mech before seeing it made Jack sweat enough to turn up the AC in the cockpit. For all its advanced systems the only one Jack actually wanted to use, the autonomous recon drone, couldn't actually take-off in weather this bad sonic was thermal sights and the motion tracker all the way. At 500m the motion tracker returned a ping and Jack stopped in his tracks, Cass only a stride later. [Colour=red]"Ramshackle, multiple contacts, 500m, Southwest, Mechs and Infantry. Doesn't Look like they know we're here [i]yet[/i]. What's the play?"[/colour]