Hi Guys! This was my idea: [hider=Wyatt] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1044227135809785878/1135008995711664250/guzomixiel_thin_farm_boy_with_fiery_hair_dnd_style_1c4d5f8e-8a59-4529-a38b-087ce4b910ca.png[/img] [i]"Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light."[/i][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Wyatt, son of Fergus [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Standing at 6'2'', Wyatt is usually noticeable from a distance due to his height and reddish hair. His skin is unusually pale for someone working on a farm, but perhaps that could be attributed to the grey Sun. His body is wiry, packing only the meat necessary for the skeleton to move. Many years of labor have shaped the body into utility - every part of him covered in either muscle, callous or both. His only set of clothes has long since faded and was patched many times over. The cloth usually matted in either soil or sweat, there is seldom a moment when the man appears finely groomed. [b]Personality:[/b] From an early age, Wyatt had always gotten his way in the end. Whether he was forbidden from attending the village dance or expelled from an apprenticeship - things had a way of working themselves out regardless of the situation. This has developed a certain sense of confidence in the temporary nature of all hardship. His belief in a better tomorrow, as well as his life up until that point, all led to the conclusion that things would eventually always sort themselves out. While this has provided him with endless confidence, it also fanned the flames of his laziness. [b]Most Prominent Virtue:[/b] Hope [b]Skills/Abilities:[/b] [list][*][i]Physical prowess[/i] - Being born and raised on a farm has given Wyatt a great deal of physical strength and endurance. [*][i]Wilderness survival[/i] - Having grown up in a more rural area, Wyatt was always in tune with nature and never had dificulties surviving out in the open [*][i]Charisma[/i] - Wyatt's good mood and positive approach to most situations usually opened a lot of doors for him. [/list] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [list][*][i]Naïve[/i] - far too young and far too sheltered to understand some of the realities of life. [*][i]Rash[/i] - Wyatt is not a very patient man and will often act out impulsively, according to his feelings. [*][i]No combat training[/i] - While he is surely strong enough to seriously hurt anything he grabs or shatter it by pelting it with stones, he posses no real combat training of any sort. [/list] [b]Goals[/b]: Becoming famous, someone important, a hero. Wyatt has lived quite an ordinary life during which he has developed extraordinary ambitions. [b]Fears[/b]: His main motivations also outline his biggest fears. He doesn't want his family and farm to come in danger. He worries about his place in the world, terrified that he might end up in just another ordinary life. [b]What did you think about the dream/the world's manifestation of herself? Did you think you were dreaming?:[/b] When Wyatt finally encountered the Spirit of the World, he felt like he had finally been chosen for something greater. Life on the farm was never a bad one, but he had always fancied himself much more important in the grand scheme of things. This was his invitation into being as famous as the men he had heard all those stories about. Of course the world needed help - it was only natural that it chose him to champion the change. [b]Why do you want to save the world? Money, Fame, Just General Good Will?[/b]: Wyatt is still young and naïve to many of the ways of the world. He would like to save the world, because that's what always happens in the stories. [b]Backstory[/b]: Just a third son in a family with five children, Wyatt was never expected to amount to much. He lived the life he was expected and did the chores assigned. In time he was planned to marry and found his own farm and family, the current holdings goin to his eldest brother. It was a life of going through the motions. Good life, but a boring one. Everything changed following the meeting with the Spirit. [/hider]