[Accepting Shift] It should not be possible for a boa constrictor to look guilty. They just don't have the muscles for it, you know? Possibly it's because Shifu is currently two feet deep in the slot of the vending machine, which she is Not Allowed To Do. But it's for a good reason! She's here to get Hsien's arm out! And Mr. Chan has that look on his face. And she's not gonna get treats for this, is she? A minute of careful inching backwards later, she's finally able to zoop back into the little girl she so often wears around the place. "But Izi is leading a raid," she complains. "I could rhino-rampage through the front room and she'd just complain I'm making too much noise." Oh no the look's getting worse. "I’m not gonna! Rampage, I mean. Or take treats! Remember, I've been very good since you explained the snack machine!" A snack machine! A whole box, filled to the brim with crinkly packages! Peanut butter [i]and[/i] chocolate in the same bite?! And it's right in the open, where anyone can take what they like! Which, you know, is how it ought to be. None of that stuffy guarding fruits that only need guarding once every three hundred years, right? But if you, say, crawl up the inside of the machine, and use your crow beak to tear into those wrappers--and they make the perfect crinkling noise when you do, right?--and don't pay for it? Well, Chan's already selling at pretty close to cost, which is really just an argument that the producers should also be selling them for less, but it means that he can't get more! And then the box empties out, and nobody gets food, and-- "And me being a whale isn't the reason Li's looking for us, anyway!" She gestures one fat-fingered little hand at the princess dangling from the ceiling. "Shouldn't we let her down before Izi's raid finishes? She'll notice that more than she'd notice me, right?"