[hider=Here's my screamer] [center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/rF1w2QRT/single-female-banshee-black-d.jpg[/img] When blending in: [img]https://i.postimg.cc/02Ry4LQZ/single-female-banshee-casual-1.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b][h1][color=#8738A8]Aria Nightshade[/color][/h1][/b][/center] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Species:[/b] Banshee [b]Abilities/Magic:[/b] [list] [*] Ethereal Scream: [i]A hauntingly beautiful and powerful voice that mesmerizes and affects emotions - inducing fear, melancholy, calming, and healing.[/i] [*] Spirit Sight: [i]Able to see and communicate with spirits and departed souls.[/i] [*] Invisibility in Shadows: [i]Capable of blending into shadows and darkness, practically invisible to human eyes. She conceals her markings and wears sunglasses during the day.[/i] [/list] [b]Skills:[/b] [list] [*] Stealth and Subterfuge: [i]Honed ability to move silently and unnoticed, gathering information discreetly and avoiding unwanted attention. 100% effective at night.[/i] [*] Singing and Musical Proficiency: [i]Skilled in singing and playing musical instruments to enhance her eerie presence and captivate others.[/i] [/list] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [list] [*] Vulnerable in Sunlight: [i]Exposure to direct sunlight weakens Aria, draining her strength and limiting her abilities.[/i] [*] Emotional Sensitivity: [i]Her powers are influenced by emotions, making it challenging to control or unintentionally amplify their effects during intense feelings of sadness or anger.[/i] [*] Ties to the Spirit Realm: [i]Her connection to the spirit world can make her vulnerable to spiritual attacks or manipulation by more powerful entities from that realm.[/i] [/list] [b]Personality Traits:[/b] [list] [*] Melancholic: [i]Aria carries an air of sadness, reflective of her banshee nature and her sorrow for departed souls.[/i] [*] Guarded: [i]Years of witnessing loss and detachment make her cautious about forming close relationships with others.[/i] [*] Compassionate: [i]Despite her eerie appearance, Aria genuinely cares for the well-being of others who are suffering or in need of comfort.[/i] [*] Resolute: [i]When faced with challenges or adversity, Aria remains determined and resilient.[/i] [/list] [b]Backstory:[/b] [i]Born from the echoes of sorrow and loss, Aria Nightshade’s existence stretches back to times long forgotten by humans. As a banshee, she has wandered the world, her spectral form drawn to places of profound tragedy and suffering. With every lamenting wail, she mourned the lives lost to wars, plagues, and calamities, bearing witness to the struggles of both humans and creatures of the night. As the ages passed, Aria's understanding of sorrow evolved into a deeper empathy for the living, regardless of their origin. She realized that sorrow was a universal experience shared by all beings, both mortal and immortal. This revelation awakened a desire within her to do more than merely predict and grieve for fallen souls. She yearned to ease their suffering, prevent further heartache, and ensure the coexistence of humans and supernatural creatures. Despite her initial skepticism when Count Dracula called for her, Aria joined the council with the goal of preventing further tragedies and fostering coexistence between humans and the supernatural. However, with Count’s sudden disappearance, the weight of responsibility presses upon her spectral shoulders.[/i] [b]Extra:[/b] [i]Aria carries with her a small, tattered journal that holds the stories of countless lives she has witnessed and mourned. The journal serves as a reminder of her duty and the weight of her role as a banshee and a member of the Council of Night.[/i] [/hider]