[quote=@Benzaiten] [@Excession] Tbh if we are going Necroship, I will likely lock in Necro Tree as my character :P The ship works best with a necromancer on board I read (is that correct?) and I like the idea of a necro dryad. Edit: Mind giving me a lore dumb on Necromancers and their standing? I read the bit that was available in the document with the different magic and all. Maybe you have some more? Also about the World Beyond the Veil (I don't recall how you call it)? [/quote] Pretty much all I have on paper right now is the Necromancer blurb and the breakdown of powers in that doc, their role in Kaer and the Stormcircle societies, and this bit about the World Without Sun: [hider=World Without Sun] The World Without Sun exists just beneath the surface of reality, more tightly connected to the physical world than the Ether but more sporadically. The best way to describe it is to begin with Haunts. Haunts are locations steeped in both death and emotional resonance, and form in three ways – a particularly strong-willed ghost awakens in a location of personal significance, a large number of individuals share an emotionally significant location and die in rapid succession, or an individual dies in an emotionally charged manner (massacres also work, like mass executions, accidents, battlefields). The place of death can serve as a suitable location of personal significance, but so too can childhood homes or similar places – hence the stories of ghosts belonging to dead generals appearing at home even as the generals themselves die miles away. Haunts are closely overlaid on the physical location to which they are attached. They persist in a timeless state where it rains eternally, though there is no sensation but the cold, and beyond the close borders of the Haunt is only darkness. Ghosts 'live' in their Haunts, carefully gleaning Passions from the people who may still be there or pass through, and from acts of mourning at their grave. Haunts gradually twist into strange reflections of their physical source, changed to resemble the personality and emotions of the dominant ghost, and the Passion they harvest most. The Passions are Fear, Desire, Anger, and Sorrow. Fear and Anger are perhaps the easiest to evoke, but a ghost is shaped by the Passions it feeds on, and over-reliance on one Passion leads to near-feral, simple ghosts. Gradually, Haunts sink into Chambers – loosely connected to the world via Haunts, Chambers are bizarre, enclosed realms that vary in size from a single room to an entire battlefield. They are metaphor incarnate, filled with symbolism and manifestations of their owner's personality. Little Passion trickles into this realm, and the ghosts bicker and battle bitterly over the thin spoils. Ghosts here are often centuries old, barely human any more in either thought or appearance. Some even become simple, violent monsters that rove from Chamber to Chamber trying to consume other ghosts. And of course, there are the Keepers – vast and terrible creatures that enforce the strange taboos of this world, preventing the degenerate ghosts from returning to the surface world. Some Necromancers use the World Without Sun as a place to hide, or to rapidly travel to other places on the surface by moving between Haunts. The raw material that the old ghosts represent to more skilled Necromancers also cannot be ignored.[/hider] Necromancers tend to be free spirited artistic types, so you can find them more or less anywhere doing what they like to do best. The two most common places to find them are the necroanarchies of the Stormcircle where they maintain the foundations of those settlements, or in the Necrocommunist Union of Kaer where they form the ranks of The Central Party. When they need money, they can sell various services like: - Bonework grafts - Bonework machines - Murder investigations - Legal advocacy, allowing ghosts to appear at relevant trials - Psychopomp services, helping ghosts pass on - Exorcism of violent ghosts - Archaeology (not very profitable without a patron) - Necromantic maintenance; of ships, of bone golems, of grafts, spell wards, etc.