[quote=@Lewascan2] Far be it from me to tell you how to run your own game. Again, I apologize for any negativity I've inadvertedly brought. I love the premise, but the present system is just a huge deal-breaker for me in many ways. If you decide going full narrative is for you, more power to you! I'd be genuinely elated, but if you have a vision for this present system, don't feel pressured to drop it just like that. I do think it would be worth keeping the levels around in either case as a way to ground progression. [/quote] No worries! I think I've come up with a good compromise - the dice rolls won't be mandatory and you can do as many as you want for your post. One dice roll, many dice rolls, or zero dice rolls. I'll throw opponents out at the start of each Battle Scenario and then I'll leave it up to each of you to decide how you want to write out that scene. I'll use the same method for my own characters as well.