[center][img]https://seeklogo.com/images/S/superboy-logo-674C42C56A-seeklogo.com.png[/img][/center] Things went from peaceful to chaotic very quickly. There was a breakout at Belle Reve, which meant all the heroes had to leave. Shortly after that, a bunch of strangers bust into the building including a robot that blasted a burst of green energy that knocked his brother down. Jon’s eyes went wide with worry, and flew to his side. [color=bb3385]“Bro, or you ok?”[/color] After checking on his brother, he saw his cousin fire heat vision at that robot that struck his brother. He tried to take a more direct approach and flew to punch out the robot. But once Jon got closer, he fell to his knees. It was then that he noticed the large chunk of kryptonite in the robot’s chest. [color=bb3385]Kryptonite?”[/color] No wonder that thing had been able to hurt Conner like that. This thing must have been built to fight Kryptonians. With whatever was left of his strength, he took a deep breath, and let out his freeze breath hoping to freeze the robot. Then he fell on his face.