[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/bP7iAP6.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230302/4881f70f0df7680c402289a31b8790dc.png[/img][/center] The girl recalled her Trubbish, and the smell was gone. Fae Rae was pleased. At least untill the cute white haired boy accused Fae of being rude. The Drag Queen frowned. [color=FF69B4]“I beg your pardon darling? My nose was assaulted with a foul odor. Due to that odor, several members of the audience were forced to flee during what should have been an enjoyable show. I fail to see how I could be considered the rude one. Perhaps you might want to reconsider your statement?”[/color] Although Fae’s performance had been interrupted, there was a new show in progress. Involving a Snubbull and a Hissuian Growlithe, that Fae still hadn’t noticed because her attention was focused on the people in front of her. Particularly, the boy. Fae wondered why this had to be his first impression of her. She wished their encounter could have been under different circumstances. Then another boy pushed past the cute white haired boy. This boy was a whole lot less cute. He definitely needed help in the fashion department. As if that weren’t enough. He was loud. Obnoxiously so. [color=FF69B4]“Ugh, and you. What are you shouting about?”[/color] Meanwhile, Grace the Snubbull was having a great time engaging in play fighting with the Hissuian Growlithe. It was a rare opportunity for her. She couldn't help but grin, revealing her electrified teeth as she readied her Thunder Fang attack, charging ahead to attempt another playful bite at the Growlithe.