[b][color=9e0039]Title:[/color] None [color=9e0039]Name:[/color] Jane Adriana Guerrero [color=9e0039]Alias:[/color] "Pockets" [color=9e0039]Age:[/color] 27 [color=9e0039]Gender:[/color] Female [color=9e0039]Blood Type:[/color] O+[/b] [b][color=9e0039]Has your character killed?:[/color][/b] Once. [b][color=9e0039]Characters Appearance:[/color][/b] A slight woman with short dark hair, narrow brown eyes, and dusty tan skin. Not someone who'd stand out, and she dresses to be overlooked (or mistaken for a man), favoring well-worn jeans and work shirts. The only accessory she sports is a small pendant that belonged to her mother, and she generally keeps that hidden. [hider=Image version][img]https://i.imgur.com/vULl4BA.jpeg[/img][/hider] [b][color=9e0039]Notable Skills:[/color] Light Fingers:[/b] The talent of making things disappear, whether it's from an unobserved surface or somebody's person. [b]Knifework:[/b] Jane's favorite method of self-defense is staying unnoticed. Her second-favorite is a display of intimidation with a blade. Her least favorite is following through on the threat, but most certainly has that ability. [b]Hoofing It:[/b] When being quiet fails, it helps to be fast. And Jane is [i]fast[/i]. [b][color=9e0039]Special Knowledge:[/color] Locksmithing:[/b] While Jane's main concern is the opening of locks, she also has a knack for delicate mechanisms. In another life, she would have made a fine watchmaker. [b]Streetwise:[/b] Growing up in a rough neighborhood and then moving to a rougher one gave Jane an easy familiarity with the criminal element. [b]Gambling:[/b] If it's cards or dice, she's played the game and she knows the cheats. [b]Art Appreciation:[/b] Despite her modest means, Jane was always drawn to the beauty of the visual arts. If anyone asks, though, it's for fencing purposes. [b][color=9e0039]Powers:[/color] [color=7ea7d8]Silver Tongue:[/color][/b] Jane can tell a lie, and anyone will believe her for the moment. She could say the sky was green, and you'd believe it until you gave it a moment's thought. Or until you looked up. [b][color=7ea7d8]What Dreams May Come:[/color][/b] On the rare occasion that Jane gets a full night's sleep, she dreams of impossible places; sunken cities, distant planets, the thrones of ancient gods. Sometimes she takes their secrets to the waking world. [b][color=9e0039]Characters Personality:[/color][/b] In a word, shifty. She's accustomed enough to dangerous locales that she's always on alert, keeping one eye open for threats wherever they may appear. She can put on a friendly face, but she hasn't trusted anyone since she lost her family. Tends to see acts of kindness as debts to be repaid. [b][color=9e0039]Motivations:[/color][/b] "Get rich or die trying, right? I'll take that bet." [b][color=9e0039]Personal Effects:[/color][/b] [list][*] A finely-made Italian stiletto [*] A deck of subtly marked playing cards [*] A small lockbox containing (rather decent) sketches of her dreams[/list] [b][color=9e0039]Extra Information:[/color][/b] Nothing yet.