[hider=Dollface] [center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1136402980820754574/1136407232200851616/mayflowers3161_A_girl_with_a_round_face_and_big_gray_doe_eyes.png?width=473&height=473[/img][/center] • Name: Ceren • Age: Twenty-three • Description: Standing at a small five-foot-one, Ceren is petite and stature and appears extremely fragile and doll-like. Her skin is as pale as porcelain, her eyes as dark as the fading moon, and her hair as bright as the pure fallen snow. She has a lean build and not muscular at all. She has a few places on her body that resemble spider veins, the lines black and jaded. • Is your character cursed? Were they storm touched or generational storm touched? Ceren has been storm touched and cursed to resemble a porcelain doll. Her skin is as pale, but not exactly as tough as porcelain. Any rough touch results in spider veins lanced about her body circling a small dark patch of skin. • What ring does your character come from? Ceren comes from the lost fifth ring, but has been outcasted and shamed due to being storm cursed. • Active Role: While she has lived a life of solitude and poverty, she has a strong yearning to rage against the current goings on in the world. She wishes to be a part of the revolution, but as she is feared by many, she has a very strong feeling that she will be outcasted by the group as well. Yet they will not stop her from standing up for what she believes is right. • Biography: Born to Destiny and Myrel, Ceren grew up a normal only child in the fifth ring. Her parents were part of the revolution from almost the very beginning, and always pushed their daughter to believe in the underdogs and to always stand up for what was right. That urge was instilled in her from a very young age and it carries with her to this very day. When the storm came for their ring, her parents died trying to protect her. Her mother shielded her, protecting her child's life. But, that didn't stop the storm from laying a curse on the young girl. From the very moment her curse took it's hold, she has been an outcast and living alone and on scraps that she has been able to find. She believes in the work her parents put into the revolution, and is bound and determined to live out their legacy.[/hider]