"You are onto an important principle," said Hsien, arm still stuck inside the vending machine. "If Izi discovers us, she will be tempted towards intemperate action. I have seen this many times. Great heroes are dragged directly towards the Hells, inflicting great spiritual damage on their souls, as they swear and curse and condemn an inn- a fox who is just following her - who has wronged them in a way that they cannot do anything about." She swallowed. Virtue [i]was [/i]hard. "So it is with the Vermillion Princess," said Hsien, stretching luxuriously up with her foot to bap the Princess on the behind, sending her into slow circles, squeaking all the while. "If she is given agency she might feel bad about not snitching on us to the cops. So she must be denied it! A truly virtuous world is one where the virtuous relieve everyone else from the dangers of temptation." She paused. Did that really sound right? Maybe those hadn't been the Buddha's exact words. "Anyway you reckon we can fit her into this vending machine? It might be coming with us anyway so may as well."