[color=darkgray] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/RhgQErK.png[/img][/center] [sub][center][color=#D3943B]D[/color][color=#CD8A35]a[/color][color=#C78130]r[/color][color=#C2782B]i[/color][color=#BC6F26]u[/color][color=#B66521]s[/color] [color=#AB5317]b[/color][color=#A54A12]y[/color][@FunnyGuy] [color=#D3943B]a[/color][color=#CE8D37]n[/color][color=#CA8633]d[/color] [color=#C2782B]D[/color][color=#BD7127]a[/color][color=#B96A23]n[/color][color=#B56320]t[/color][color=#B15C1C]e[/color] [color=#A84E14]b[/color][color=#A44710]y[/color] [@Alivefalling][/center][/sub] [b][color=D3943B]Time:[/color][/b] Morning [b][color=E0C114]Location:[/color][/b] Gaurav Village [b][color=D3943B]Interactions:[/color][/b] Menzai [@samreaper], Cyrus [@Helo], Ophelia [@princess] and Viola [13org] [b][color=E0C114]Equipment:[/color][/b] 2 shot glasses, 1036 Amas total, Flowers from Phia, Dante’s cellphone, and Dante’s knife[hr] Dante stopped for a moment as Menzai had spoken up to cease the quarreling. He looked down at his brother who was supporting his body from collapsing due to his dazed condition. [color=E0C114]“You will not tell me what to do, bro. I am older and you know what that means. I am wiser. I’m fin..”[/color] His words trailed off, slurred by the impact of his condition, and he leaned heavily on his brother before finally sinking to his knees. [color=D3943B]“Jeez, come on.”[/color] Darius complained. He looked down at Dante who was in such a sorry state, and decided to shift his attention from the conversation between the others. He sighed before crouching down and helping Dante up by getting his shoulder under his arm while supporting Dante's back. [color=D3943B]“Let's get up, my wise old brother,”[/color] Darius joked, yet his expression remained unamused. Once up, Darius watched as the confrontation died down. It made Darius realize just how much weight Menzai's words carried in Gaurav Village. [color=D3943B]“So we avoided a second fight. Good.”[/color] Darius was glad he could at least find relief in this, however, he very much avoided looking directly at Menzai. He just couldn't bring himself to do it. Instead, he looked at the three fairies. [color=D3943B]“I'm taking Dante back to the village. Name's Darius by the way. I guess you're welcome to come see the village… if you want.”[/color] He managed a smile just before his eyes centered on Phia. He couldn't mask his concern for her after what happened to Menzai. Even she almost wound up in an even predicament. Darius just hoped she didn't blame herself for what happened. [color=D3943B]“You coming with or…?”[/color] He wasn't sure if Phia wanted to stay back with Menzai or head back to the village. Either way, he'd respect her desires. [/color]