[center][h3][b][color=ff48a5]Mary Sue Sullivan[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://image.film.at/images/cfs_landscape_616w_347h/7106616/46-149344534.jpg [/img][hr][b][color=ff48a5]Location:[/color][/b] The Gym- Training Room A [b][color=ff48a5]Skills: [/color][/b] N/A [hr][hr][/center] Mary Sue pursed her lips at Mads' answer. She wasn't [i]wrong[/i], but that wasn't satisfactory to her personally. She wanted to be able to say something that she herself could have personally done differently. To that end, she looked between her teammates and said, "[color=ff48a5]We... might have avoided you getting grabbed if we actually listened to your initial command.[/color]" She said, and felt her heart jump in her chest at what she was about to say, "[color=ff48a5]Um. Teamwork is important, but we need to actually know what we're working towards before we can even think about working together.[/color]" She really hoped that that wasn't too contrarian. She had her own ideas about how to do things right, but she didn't want to cause friction unecessarily. She just... really wanted to be able to do this hero thing. She wanted to make this world better, and that meant learning here, and constantly trying to improve. She was caught between worrying about seeming like a try hard, and actually wanting to try hard. It seemed that, at least for a little whule, she would be uncomfortable, and all she could really hope was that she could learn to thrive in discomfort.