[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ZgvO2EP.png[/img][/center][color=#A7C7E7] [b][color=#6082B6]Time:[/color][/b] Morning [b][color=#6082B6]Location:[/color][/b] Southwest of Roshmi City [b][color=#6082B6]Interactions:[/color][/b] [@Helo] Bowyn [color=silver]❄[/color] [@Lava Acklon] Bardulf [color=silver]❄[/color] [@FunnyGuy] Mister Luum [color=silver]❄[/color] [@Tae] Brigette [color=silver]❄[/color] [@Pink Khione] Zeva [b][color=#6082B6]Mentions:[/color][/b] [b][color=#6082B6]Equipment:[/color][/b] Small backpack, two knives, bow and arrow, rations, water flask, hygiene products, polearm, [url=https://imgur.com/BjXz8f3]outfit[/url] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/bWNy1S9.png[/img][/center] Rue let out a deep sigh. Splitting up was not an ideal option. Leaving Bardulf left a pit in Rue’s stomach, while the idea of leaving Bowyn cut her in half. Her wings fluttered angrily and she glanced around at everyone. It didn’t help that in front of her was the godawful statue of the [i]King[/i] Zanithel. Rue pulled her hood up and pretended to cough to hide the sneer that crossed her face. Although she didn’t despise the dark elves, she despised their reign and the awful things they did and were getting away with. Pegasus grunted and tossed her head, a warning to Rue that her emotions were affecting her pegasus. She took a deep breath and stroked her mane to soothe her, and she quieted down. Her hood being up caused her shoulders to slouch slightly. The bounty on her head loomed over her and she prayed to God there weren't any posters of her here. Bowyn’s remark regarding keeping an eye on Zeva was one she agreed with; it would not do to let her romp freely after Bardulf’s magic. It didn’t seem as though she understood how dangerous and reckless their mission was, either. Combined with the city being infested with dark elves and trouble, Rue would have preferred standing on a beach under the hot sun [color=#6082B6]”I hate to leave either of you,”[/color] Rue whispered back to Bowyn, so the others could not hear. [color=#6082B6]”I fear leaving either of you. If I go with Bardulf, I can leave quicker on Starfire, but also chase down Zeva if she runs for it. I also don’t want to leave you.”[/color] Rue set her hand on his cheek and rubbed his face gently. [color=#6082B6]”I’m going to attract attention too on Starfire as well, so it may be best to keep me with Zeva anyway."[/color] Her voice dropped even quieter, barely above a whisper, [color=#6082B6]"But I don't know if I trust Mr.Luum with Bardulf alone either."[/color] Rue sighed, then continued. [color=#6082B6]I do want to buy him a disguise ring, and other supplies he feels comfortable using. I just… I don’t want to lose you, Bo. Anything can happen here.”[/color] Rue’s wings drooped down as the pit in her stomach only rose. Her gaze kept shooting around to ensure they were not being watched. [/color]