[color=fff200][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]S H A V I S N A M I S T A[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][/COLOR][hr][color=gray][sup][color=fff200][b]Mission:[/b][/color] An Intriguing Escort | [color=fff200][b]Interactions:[/b] [@PaulHaynek] [@The Irish Tree] [@AzureKnight][/color][/sup][/color] When Hector arrived as their third, Shavis beamed and waved at him, glad to have a familiar face closeby. She had a better gauge of his abilities which made fighting with him easier. Oh, much like Einer, it seems that Hector was some sort of noble as well? Wow, hotshots. Shavis idly listened to the conversation between Imre and Ruecian. It was good to hear about considering she hadn't heard of the story of what happened there yet. The origin of the plague had disappeared? That was worrying. Maybe an investigation into it would be launched? The noble even claimed that another village had been decimated from a monster attack. Huh... The vehicle stopped and Shavis immediately activated her gauntlets on reflex. [color=fff200]"Aw, and here I thought we would be able to enjoy the countryside sight."[/color] She jokingly said as she exited behind Ruecian to see that there were, indeed, a couple of folks who seemed like they wanted to tussle. A kidnapping in process? For ransom of the noble? Ruecian seemed a little pissed and Shavis decided to keep her mouth shut regarding that. [color=fff200]"Roger that!"[/color] Shavis called out as the brigands made their first move at Ruecian. Pretty brave, really. [color=fff200]"Hector, Einer. I'm gonna charge forward, please make sure Miss Molnar is within your sight. Thanks!"[/color] With that, she turned to her own attackers— three of them advancing with enchanted weaponry. Her eyes widened before she snickered as she raised her gauntlets. Two copies of Shadar came out from behind her, snarling. A sword. An axe. A spear. Fire. Ice. Poison, perhaps? Earth? Imbuing herself with lightning to increase her speed and charged towards the spearman, hoping to catch him off-guard with the speed to deliver a lightning-imbued punch straight into his gut. As soon as she made her charge, both copies of Shadar ran forward and pounced at both the swordsman and the axeman.