[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180804/59e33c13301c63b568e5eb178a837406.png[/img] [hider=Stats] 20/13|Male/Male|Reinforcement, Beast Mystic, Melee|Duplication, Tentacles|Deity Enhanced Sustenance, Awareness, Masculinity, Fated, Sorcery, Gifted, Absolute Direction Paragon, Blessing, Clergy, Mana Fount, Gifted Item Arrogance, Unknown, Loud, Big Brother [/hider][/center] "[color=aba000]I think our first priority should be coming up with a method of getting the civilians to safety[/color] Alexander spoke up "[color=aba000]Unless we have a way to track them to their home base and invade it, or failing that, invade Bolorton, then we're going to have to fight them in Penrose, and we'll need to have a plan for what to do about the civilians. I just remember that during that whole debacle, I was stuck on evac duty along with a bunch of other people, so I only got around to actually fighting Wonderland's forces right before we left[/color]" he sighed "[color=aba000]And I wasn't the only one. So unless we want to keep a large chunk of our forces tied up in evacuating, and later protecting the civilians, we'll need to come up with something for them ahead of time. Like, does anyone have a spare pocket dimension or two we could just shove them in?[/color]" He then paused as a thought occurred to him "[color=aba000]Well...we'd still need to [i]get[/i] them all. Maybe we could set up a Rune array that covers the connected a pocket dimension to shove everyone without magic into it when the fighting starts. But I don't have any spatial magic, so it's not something I can really make on my own. Not to mention powering something that huge is going to be an absolute [i]bitch[/i] to do. We'd also need something to keep them all from panicking over having been teleported somewhere strange. Maybe add something to the array that knocks them out, our puts them in a trance. That'd be more complicated and would need more magic, but it would also get rid of the need to wipe their memories...[/color]" As he went on, he slowly started to transition from 'talking to the crowd' to 'talking to himself' "[color=aba000]...and then we run into the issue of [i]hiding[/i] the damn thing...[/color]"