[quote=@Lewascan2] You know... the more of these apps I take a closer look at, the more I realize that the Malevolence really isn't the juiciest target for the Replicators by an increasingly longer shot. Because the competition? The Blue Typhoon with the Master Emerald. The Hammond and its Asgard computer/transporter. The Stargazer. The Covenant carrier with literally all that Halo tech. From The Spider's Ketch, the Ghost and Destiny Light manipulation tech. From the Ark and Astro Megatimeship, literally anything to do with transformers (sparks and T-cogs) and the Morphing tech of the Rangers. Compared to all that, the Malevolence just has "all the guns", being "fuck-off huge" and the Ion Cannon. In short, it would make an excellent platform to congeal all the other tech onto if taken, but it doesn't offer too much on its own by comparison. XD [/quote] FWIW, while Ghosts are artificial beings (though sentient), Light isn't technology so much as a fundamental cosmic force of the universe through which its wielders can perform great acts of, basically, space-magic, outside the known laws of physics, causality, etc. etc. Light also has to be Given, rather than taken for yourself or simulated. Of course, that's not to say we can't bend the rules here, but the nature of Light and Darkness push Destiny as a setting toward the 'fantasy' end of the 'Sci-fi Fantasy' spectrum it treads. Edit: I realize after typing, deleting, re-typing, re-deleting, typing again - it may have been naive of me to app something Destiny related and think I can restrain myself appropriately.