[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230607/9719f0615c71f2b71c737a47268a887a.png[/img][/center] Shin'za held his shot when the War God was pressed by the Spirit Caller and the War Queen. He held his shot when the War God gained the upper hand. He held his shot when the War God disengaged. He almost pressed the trigger when he was engulfed in an explosion of fire. But he held his shot when the illusion was revealed and the God Slayer was stabbed. It was only when the chains finished restricting the War God's body that he let his new weapon [i]sing[/i]. Time seemed to slow down as his eyes tracked the bullet, it was deceptively small for something that packed as much power as he had seen but even with the destruction he knew it could cause it wouldn't be enough to seriously damage a God as powerful as this Hachiman had proven to be, even with the contempt he felt comparing him to his Lord he could see the similarities in endurance that they both possessed, the sturdiness that wouldn't allow them to die by a measly bullet of this caliber. ...That is why he didn't target the God's [i]body[/i] Finally after what felt like an eternity, his bullet connected with the helmeted head of the War God, the strength of the shot blowing his head back and getting rid of his helmet completely, the small blast managing to snap the straps holding it in place even as it failed to perforate the God's skull. But that didn't matter. The War Queen was in range... and the War God's neck was completely exposed.