[@King Cosmos] It's not that the way you guys did things was bad---it's always on the GM to introduce plot, I could've easily sent something at you guys at any time! I didn't intend to make the statement feel like a barb or anything, sorry! Yeah I understand the difficulty in having groups, especially in a game like this where everyone's consistently holding to a pretty high level of posting. But, thanks for mentioning that I might be pushing players together too much---I mostly intended to just lay out opportunities to interact, and leave whether or not any interaction actually occurred up to players. Like when you guys passed Agar on the way to the caves and he chose not to join, and no one chose to pursue him, and so forth. If it feels too forced, I'll try not to be so overt with it! The intention was just to allow people to be aware of different things happening around them. Character interaction will definitely be a bigger focus this time, both for PCs and NPCs! That's why I had you guys all start as basically already "walking and talking" and part of the Orc tribe, whereas last time because everyone was a different kind of monster, it didn't make as much sense for "mixed packs" to form. The Head Warrior, Shaman, Warchief, all those folks will definitely present opportunities for more cerebral activities instead of a constant cycle of fighting, skill grinding, and survival crafting! Now why in the world would you say that? Do you know something about the Flak Beetle that others don't? 😉