[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/221005/7d7c778891f3387ab231a2bbd26f2d1e.png[/img] [H3]The Under ~ The Arboretum[/h3] [b]Word Count:[/b] 584 [b]Level 5 Ganondorf:[/b] 27/50 [b]Exp:[/b] 1 [b]NEW EXP Balance---[/b] 28/50[/center] Just as he exited the castle, Ganondorf heard something in his ear. It was Therion's voice, thanks to the linkpearl Ganondorf last night by Primrose. [color=797979]"So they found an entrance? Well, let's get this over with then."[/color] he said to himself after he finished listening. He looked around from his current position. Therion said it was the building with a tree growing out of it, and sure enough it wasn't hard to spot. So Ganondorf made his way over in that direction. Therion had also warned everyone to watch out for the vines. Sounded like there was going to be plenty of plant enemies to deal with. Luckily Ganondorf possessed a newly-acquired fire breath power courtesy of Igos du Ikana's spirit. He had a feeling he was about to get a lot of use out of that one. When the Gerudo was able to get a closer look at the Arboretum, he found that Therion's description didn't quite do it justice. "Tree" didn't even begin to describe what was seemingly growing out of this buildings cracks and seams. The tree part was mostly on the roof, but even the walls were covered vines and other foliage. The main entrance appeared to have some kind of roots or vines protruding from it and preventing anyone from being able to go inside. But Ganondorf was quick to notice some of the open and broken windows and figured that that was how everyone would be getting in. He climbed in through one and dropped down, almost immediately having to quickstep out of the way of an attacking vine. Therion wasn't exaggerating about this. Ganondorf explored a bit, noting the sheer overgrown nature of the building's interior. Something about this reminded him greatly of the Forest Temple in his own world. He almost half-expected to find the quartet of multicolored Poes appearing at the center of the main chamber. But naturally, they did not appear. It took a bit more looking around before Ganondorf spotted what he thought might have been the way the others reached the lower levels. More vines growing out of a hole, but with a secondary hole that was dug next to it with considerably less vines writhing about. Looked like now was when he was going to get use out of that flame breath. Ganondorf inhaled and then exhaled his Violet Flare down into the hole. The purple flames didn't exactly burn or scorch away any ground or vines, but they did retract from it. That was the chance Ganondorf needed to more or less cleanly drop down into the hole entrance, which he did so. And it wasn't long before the Seekers encountered obstacles. Ariel drones that looked like mechanical bees or wasps seemed to be buzzing about on patrol. Nadia tried to suggest stealth, but Sectonia was quick to point out that most of their members weren't exactly built for stealth. That unfortunately included Ganondorf himself. And then it was Primose and Kamek who suggested a diversionary tactic. Ganondorf was inclined to agree, [color=797979]"That's the strategy I would go with, personally."[/color] he chimed in with a shrug of his shoulders, [color=797979]"And more than enough of us have minions we can summon to perform just such a task."[/color] He added with a passing gesture indicating Kamek, Sectonia, and himself.